View Full Version : sound card problem

03-17-2005, 06:59 PM
I just started with knoppix and love it but there is no sound .
I get the following message when trying to configure the sound card.

no driver available

module used for your card emu10kl.o,is not currently in your module search path
please verify that your kernel modules are correctly installed.

I tried to use the cd for the sound card(audigy 2) or download the drivers from the internet,but they dont have drivers for linux.
I hope somebody have the same card or know what to do.
:roll: anybody can help me???

03-18-2005, 04:30 PM
Try as root 'modprobe -l | grep emu10k1' and if it will return the module's name, run 'modprobe emu10k1'. If it returns nothing, you don't have the driver built as a module (it's not compiled at all or it's compiled as kernel built-in, but the latter should give you sound though).

04-02-2005, 03:27 AM
hey guys, hate to be a bother, im new to linux, and such, but yea i installed knoppix to my hd, I have a pci audigy, get this guys same error, so i tried your method with the mod things, and i see things after modprobe -l | grep emu10k1, but when i enter modprobe emu10k1, i get

lib/modules/2.4.27/kernel/drivers/sound/ac97_codec.o: create_module: Operation not permitted
/lib/modules/2.4.27/kernel/drivers/sound/ac97_codec.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.27/kernel/drivers/sound/ac97_codec.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.27/kernel/drivers/sound/ac97_codec.o: insmod emu10k1 failed

im root i guess, i have a username and pass with root access...

any help?

knoppix 3.7 if thatd help, i also followed

but i get nothing still, but new alsa drivers, and i cant edit lilo.cfg cuz access is denied(wtf?)

any help would be appreciated, since redhat doesnt work for me, and fedora just screws things up for me, knoppix is all i got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-05-2005, 01:50 AM
Hey chill out randreach and listen to enya.
You gotta learn the cli. like su, ls, locate, cat, chmod - things like that and more
the man page i.e. (man chmod) will get you some idea
make your own notes on your favorite ones i.e. (locate lilo.conf.*)
http://www.onlamp.com/linux/cmd/ is one of many places to bone up.

For sound - soundcards were mainly designed for M$ However, linux can be configured
There are two ways i would suggest
ALSA takes a lot of reserch - if your willing to take a shot
i believe the kernel should be the 2.6.X for ALSA and either for OSS
take a look and your soundcard and compare with the ALSA and OSS card list.
http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/ (ALSA cardlist - click all and scroll)
http://www.4front-tech.com/opensound.html (OSS checkout the soundcard button)
the name of your sound card has to be exactly the same

the list might let you know what sound driver you need
emu10k1 is sometimes the driver. however, of note: emu10k1x is an other for
Sound Blasters. Investigate both thoroughly note: some of the Dell computer sound
card uses the emu10k1x

working with apt-get - you can get the driver emu10k1 downloaded and the kernel
upgraded - read instructions on apt-get and synaptic gui
but, if you need the emu10k1x ALSA's website has the driver to download, un-tar and configure - READ the installation - make sure everything went well
modprobe emu10k1 or modprobe emu10k1x
also ALSA's notes on Deb, if you haven't read it has notes on /etc/modutils/

while OSS has a free trial download or you can pay for the driver
the download automatically checks out your sound file configures everthing.
If your sound file is messed up it will create another - if this happens then the
sound will work but, the mixer might not work (volume too) - the only way to
adjust the volume is on your speakers.
remove the c$@p & s#%t drivers that are not needed i.e. ( rmmod )
and before you download OSS make sure your sound file is ok.
you can not have both drivers OSS and ALSA installed - check out FAQ in ALSA
The free trial can be downloaded again and again, so if you don't mind :-}
press the download button then type in the soundcard name choose and the kernel

again read the instructions and make notes you can understand - maybe on kate.
tips on the cli like the <tab> and become familiar with the all files
The cli is your friend :0D

another card that you know will work on linux might be another ave.
a card that uses the emu10k1 driver are your best bet
the cheaper cards are usually for M$

good luck

04-06-2005, 01:17 PM
Yea i wasnt flippin or anything, but i figured it out that day, so no worries, but i did once again screw up my partition stuff again so i dont have linux installed anymore (bummer)