View Full Version : Need to startup FTP server

03-18-2005, 02:42 PM
Hello all!

I wanted to have on my knoppix box a FTP server. It will be for LOCAL use only. How can I get the FTP deamon running? I have Apache running and wanted to transfer my html files. I know I can use Samba....



03-20-2005, 06:30 PM
Sat, 25 Jan 2003 15:31:08 -0600
Subject: How to make your Knoppix live-cd into an FTP server

To make your machine an FTP server:
On Knoppix, as root of course:

0. Mount all your intended FTP partitions R/W.

1. ' /etc/init.d/inetd start ' == Start FTP daemon (see /etc/inetd.conf)
1a. ' ps ax ' -- You should see inetd running.

2. ' ls -l /etc/hosts ' == You will see the symlink (optional)
3. ' rm /etc/hosts ' == Remove non-editable symlink
3a. ' rm /etc/hosts.allow ' == Remove non-editable symlink

4. ' cp /KNOPPIX/etc/hosts /etc ' == Copy from wherever the LS sez
4a. ' cp /KNOPPIX/etc/hosts.allow /etc '

5. ' jstar /etc/hosts ' == Use your favorite editor, and add in the
CLIENT's IP address and machine-name, as well as the Knoppix box's info.
(' man hosts ')

It should look like this: localhost hostbox.melvinseries.org hostbox clientbox.melvinseries.org clientbox

5b. ' jstar /etc/hosts.allow ' == Comment out the last line, that says:


...with a '#' char at the beginning of the line:


6. ' killall pump ' == If you need to manually config your eth0

6a. Make sure you have eth0 up and running:
' ifconfig eth0 netmask up '
(...or / or whatever)

7. Ping the client box and the Knoppix box from both sides using numeric
IP (

8. ' passwd knoppix ' == Assign a password to knoppix user (can be 'blah'
or whatever is convenient. UPDATE: This works from CD with no additional
changes.) You can also do ' adduser whatever ' and then ' passwd whatever ' but then you have to "copy-down" /etc/gshadow before the "adduser."

--To ftp to Knoppix box from Linux:
' lftp -u knoppix ' == It will ask for the password, and you
should be good to go.

--You may have to edit /etc/fstab for your FAT32 partition to make it
*writable* - post again if you need help with this. It should be
*readable* by anybody logging in.

--Now the original post is all from memory, but it SHOULD work. I've
updated it with what worked for me. Let me know if it doesn't, and I'll
try doing it again on my Knoppix rig.

--NOTE: Securing the box is YOUR responsibility. This is just a
quick-n-dirty hack to get FTP downloads up and running.
http://www.knopper.net , http://www.knoppix.net
--WolfriderV6 => Dave Bechtel

Hello all!

I wanted to have on my knoppix box a FTP server. It will be for LOCAL use only. How can I get the FTP deamon running? I have Apache running and wanted to transfer my html files. I know I can use Samba....

