View Full Version : Problem with permissons (external HD)

03-18-2005, 07:37 PM

I have an external Firewire HD and 'm using Knoppix Live. With this boot CD I want to backup some files from a PC, so I want to copy those to the external HD. But when I'm copying a file or when I want to delete or make a new folder; I get the following error (depending on what I do ofcourse)

"Could not delete
file /mnt/sda1/file name"

Next thing I did was checking the permission-settings of this external HD (via properties). I noticed the HD was labeled as 'read only'. I unchecked that. I also set the access permissions of owner, group and others to 'Can read and write'. But still the same problem! I can view files, but I can't remove them or place new files to the HD. Can somebody help me?


03-18-2005, 07:59 PM
I restarted the system, and now it works perfect! Weird.


Harry Kuhman
03-18-2005, 08:01 PM
... external Firewire HD ..... I noticed the HD was labeled as 'read only'. I unchecked that. I also set the access permissions of owner, group and others to 'Can read and write'. ....
What type of partition system is used on that external drive? If it's NTFS then you should never write to it with Knoppix. What you say you did may have already severely corrupted it. If this is the case I would go back to the Windows system immidately and recover all I could from it, reformat it and start fresh. If it's a FAT type partition then Knoppix should be able to write to it fine. Go to the desktop icon, right click, select the actions ... sub-menu and make the drive writeable (Knoppix opens hard drive partitions as read only by default).