View Full Version : Running KNOPPIX on a computer with 64 MB RAM

03-19-2005, 05:15 PM

Is it possible to run Knoppix on a PC with 64 MB RAM? I've been using Slackware and now I'd like to check Knoppix, but everytime I boot Knoppix, I receive a message saying that there's not enough RAM to run KDE or Office programs and I should make an additional partition in the next step. When I press OK, I receive an I/O error message which repeats over and over. The only thing I can do is to reboot the computer... KDE works well with my computer using Slackware... Maybe somebody knows how to run Knoppix? My hard disk is just 4GB large, so no additional partitions... Hmmm... Maybe there are special parameters to skip the step of making new partitions or parameters forcing Knoppix to run although there's not enough RAM?

Thanks for help!

Harry Kuhman
03-19-2005, 08:56 PM
It....can...be...done.....It...will...ask....to... create...a...swap....file....as....it......
starts....and....you....should....let....it....... ...But.....it.....will....be.....very.....

03-20-2005, 11:34 AM
Howdy shutdown,

Is it possible to run Knoppix on a PC with 64 MB RAM? I've been using Slackware and now I'd like to check Knoppix, but everytime I boot Knoppix, I receive a message saying that there's not enough RAM

Copy to disk ...

... to run KDE or Office programs

:roll: have a look at "fvwm, fluxbox, IceWM" there are alternatives.

KDE works well with my computer using Slackware...

Yeah, Kde is OK, it will run slow with 64 M's, but your cpu hz should help a little there.

I'm opposed to Kde's DM facility. Having a layer between the WM ans X is really just a typical M$ type trick designed to tie everything up into the one context ... read removal of flexability, choice ... read prioritisation. Maintaining state is no argument, thats what ~/.prog_config files are for. Inter-process communications is also a weak argument.

My hard disk is just 4GB large, so no additional partitions... Hmmm...

Hmmmmmm, indeed, i can relate to your situation a lot m8. I think it's radicale that you should still make the attempt. These days one would be hard pressed to find anything to run smoothly without a good chunk of RAM available, and a co-responding chubk of cpu hz. But ... never give up, ah :)

You, like me, are just going to have to bite the bullet and shell oit a bit on ram and hz ...

Maybe there are special parameters to skip the step of making new partitions or parameters forcing Knoppix to run although there's not enough RAM?

You use the term, new partitions !?, does that mean you already have something installed, well, likely i suppose. That makes the space issue even harder.

* ------- But -----------*

If you hadn't anything else, on your drive. The following would be a reasonable layout.

swap 200Mb --- hda1 (1st partition)

root 300 Gb --- hda2 (2nd partition)

archive whats left at end (3rd partition)

You will need swap, and having it at the beginning of your drive will help with performance a little.

Make the partitions with fdisk, cfdisk from the LiveCD, possibly in console mode as root user.

Just formate a basic ext2 fs, but use a block size of 4096 k, that will likely default any way, but it dosen't hurt to make sure, and cut down on the super-user reserved allocation. The default of 5% is excessive. As space is scant.

mke2fs -b 4096 -m 0 /dev/hda1
mke2fs -b 4096 -m 2 /dev/hda2
mke2fs -b 4096 -m 2 /dev/hda3

block size ---> 4096 K
m 2 ----------> 2% of partition reserved.

As you probably do have something installed ???, the above would need some juggling.

You and me m8, i think we have just gota upgrade :)

Good Luck,
