View Full Version : pivot install, does it work on other distros?

Evil One
03-28-2005, 06:45 AM
I installed knoppix as a full debian system using the knoppix installer, and after hours of searching this site fond the pivot root install( thank you tinker your the best! :D :D )
it works great and I'm happy (except apt-get dosn't work because file are missing on the site, most cmg's from kilk don't work like k3d, etc)
I have a great big book on fedora 1 and red-hat and I would like to see if there is something similar I can do to boot them like in the pivot_root method.
I have a external usb smartdisk fire light harddrive and the computer is a pentium 3 ibm thinkpad t21 (even though it is old it the most reliable thing ever. windows only crashed once and that was because I had it on for about 60hours.)
please answer if you can help me, thanks:D

Evil one :[/url]