View Full Version : How to remasterize KNOPPIX 3.8??

03-30-2005, 02:42 AM
Hi, anyone knows how to remasterize KNOPPIX 3.8???

I don't know how I have to use UNIONFS; and if I have to compress it with unionfs or cloop...


any one can help me?¿


03-30-2005, 03:34 AM
I have remastered 3.8 sucessfully. I have yet to update it, but you do not have to do anything different in order to remaster Knoppix 3.8 with my HOWTO http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13867.

03-30-2005, 07:08 AM
To remaster graphically, I had to alter a symlink and add the sticky bit to a /tmp folder...

/var/tmp --> /tmp and /tmp --> /var/tmp

This was no good and KDE would not start. So I rm'd /var/tmp and made a new one, then chmod 1777'd it.

03-30-2005, 04:06 PM
To remaster graphically, I had to alter a symlink and add the sticky bit to a /tmp folder...

/var/tmp --> /tmp and /tmp --> /var/tmp

This was no good and KDE would not start. So I rm'd /var/tmp and made a new one, then chmod 1777'd it.

I sorta remember that when I remastered 3.8 two weeks ago. Thanks for the reminder as I will have to update the HOWTO to reflect that.

Thanks again,

03-31-2005, 12:23 AM
You also have to edit your isolinux.cfg to change the default language from es to us or whatever you prefer. And you'll probably want to adjust the kde regional settings too and set to to load a manually saved session instead of the previous session (kmix might popup when kde loads otherwise). There are es and ca packages to look for and remove if you don't need them, things like spanish ispell dictionaries and such.

I upgraded to unstable and didn't have any trouble. Am working out the switch over from cloop to squashfs now. I'm starting to wonder if the bootup dialog is still going to be in spanish. I had a look at knoppix-autoconfig and I think it'll export the language setting to that script early on, but the messages at the top of the script about searching for aes encryption might still be in spanish if it can't find the filesystem in the first place anyway...????

Overclockix 3.8 (in the works)


04-07-2005, 09:31 AM

Thanks for the info. I faced the same problem. I did the following:

chmod a+rw /tmp

and i was able to start kde in the remastered folder, but when I compress it and make the iso, kde will not start. Should I do the following:

rm /var/tmp
mkdir /var/tmp
chmod 777 /var/tmp

to get it working?

04-07-2005, 07:45 PM
You'll want to put it back the way it was with symlinks... I don't know if anything ciritcal is in your new /var/tmp, so you could copy the contents to /var/tmp.old to be safe. Then:

rm -rf /var/tmp
ln -s /var/tmp /tmp