View Full Version : linux kernal NEED HELP!

03-30-2005, 01:47 PM

isnt that the path to the linux kernal thats what the default in my control center is. when i go to the systems tab and click on linux kernal it says
"the kernal configuration could not be read due to the following error:
no hardware architecture was specified! perhaps the kernal source code is not insstalled on this sustem, or the parth to the kernal sources is entered incorrectly.either your kernal sources contain invalid configuration rules or you just found a bug in the KDE kernal CONFIGURATOR"]

i really have no idea why this is happening i did a straight newbie install from the knoppix cd with auto detection of hardware etc, the basic isntallation which sets everything up for me.

i also have problems with teamspeak 2 it will not on any circumstance launch a sort of gui i click the teamspeak.bin file and nothing happens

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!! im a complete noob to linux and id like to learn and use it as my MAIN os i have no other os's on my computer

03-30-2005, 03:56 PM
isnt that the path to the linux kernal thats what the default in my control center is. when i go to the systems tab and click on linux kernal it says
"the kernal configuration could not be read due to the following error:
no hardware architecture was specified! perhaps the kernal source code is not insstalled on this sustem, or the parth to the kernal sources is entered incorrectly.either your kernal sources contain invalid configuration rules or you just found a bug in the KDE kernal CONFIGURATOR"]You don't have the full kernel source installed and in most cases that is OK. The message displayed in the control center should not impact your daily use.

i really have no idea why this is happening i did a straight newbie install from the knoppix cd with auto detection of hardware etc, the basic isntallation which sets everything up for me.From this I gather that everything is working, besides teamspeak and the control center message.

i also have problems with teamspeak 2 it will not on any circumstance launch a sort of gui i click the teamspeak.bin file and nothing happens
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!! im a complete noob to linux and id like to learn and use it as my MAIN os i have no other os's on my computerI have no experience with teamspeak and I hope someone else will help you.


03-30-2005, 05:33 PM
--Go here to download the kernel sources:


--See my linuxtips site for further info on uncompressing and compiling the sources:


--It needs some updating (I'd like to put the "distcc" stuff in there, for one) but here's a quick tip:

(Don't forget to chmod +x it)
BEGIN /usr/local/bin/distcc-enable

# Reg port is 3632 but 5902 is already firewall-ok on mybox

distccd --daemon \
-a \
-p 5902 \
--verbose \
--nice 1 \
--pid-file /var/run/distccd.pid \
--log-file /var/log/distccd.log \
-j 2

sleep 2
ps ax

# export DISTCC_HOSTS='localhost red green blue'

# ** OR: ** Edit ~/.distcc/hosts
# (Format:)
# localhost p233:5902

## edit Makefile and change "CC=$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc" to end with "distcc"
##' make -s -j9 '

# If not edit Makefile, then:
# ' make -s -j9 CC=distcc '

--For more info, see ' man distcc '. It's not strictly necessary for kernel compiling, but it does speed things up quite a bit.

--As far as teamspeak goes, I have no personal experience; the best I can recommend is that you try installing a stable version.

' apt-get update && apt-get install teamspeak/stable ' or whatever. I can't find teamspeak in apt-cache, so you may have to download the latest sources, and/or send a bug message to the developers.

--Nice to have another Linux convert; welcome to the forum. Best of luck, don't hesitate to ask for help in the future.


isnt that the path to the linux kernal thats what the default in my control center is. when i go to the systems tab and click on linux kernal it says
"the kernal configuration could not be read due to the following error:
no hardware architecture was specified! perhaps the kernal source code is not insstalled on this sustem, or the parth to the kernal sources is entered incorrectly.either your kernal sources contain invalid configuration rules or you just found a bug in the KDE kernal CONFIGURATOR"]

i really have no idea why this is happening i did a straight newbie install from the knoppix cd with auto detection of hardware etc, the basic isntallation which sets everything up for me.

i also have problems with teamspeak 2 it will not on any circumstance launch a sort of gui i click the teamspeak.bin file and nothing happens

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!! im a complete noob to linux and id like to learn and use it as my MAIN os i have no other os's on my computer

03-30-2005, 06:32 PM
thanks dave bechtel but ive mashed one system yesterday i dont intend to mash another today im just scared to do it although i just found something when i start up LILO
is there like =the first thing i see and i can select between
Linux 2.6 -1
Linux 2.7 -2

will the error message go away if i use 2.7 or 2.6?