View Full Version : Hello ! I need help with my Knoppix please

03-30-2005, 07:19 PM

I have got a problem with my windows xp, it wont boot. I think i know why so i need to delete some files and move some others, and i heard about this Knoppix and wanted to try it out.

I could have changed the hard drive and put in another computer, but i cant because its S-ATA , and thats the only computer with that connections.

Now im using Knoppix, but it wasnt that easy that i though it should be.. When i enter File Manager, and go to devices, i can find one of my hard drives, (an usb drive i think) but not the others like the one with windows on that i know i need to change some on.

So what i need help is that. I cant find and i dont know what to do about the Hard Drive C:
How do i do to "add" it or something ?

/Mvh Simon , ps> Sorry my bad english


I think i know why Knoppix dont find the drives now, its because i have SATA , right ? Because my disksk that are found automatically is placed on the Knoppix deskop.

I dont know why it doesnt find the sata drives, is there wrong version i have downloaded ? Or do i have to do something ? And one more thing, ive noticed that i cant move or create things in Knoppix, how do i do to get acess to remove,move,create etc?

Please help me, i cant use my computer :'(

/Mvh Simon , ps> Sorry my bad english

03-31-2005, 08:41 AM
Now im using Knoppix, but it wasnt that easy that i though it should be.. When i enter File Manager, and go to devices, i can find one of my hard drives, (an usb drive i think) but not the others like the one with windows on that i know i need to change some on.
ok... one thing, knoppix runs so that everything is pritty much read only... (everything on the hard drive)...

you can then go the "File Manager" and type in the address bar...


now, to explain... the folder /mnt/ is the mounted folder... its where all the mounted drives hand out, they think they are soo cool...

hda1 means, its the primary hard drive (hence hda), and its on partion 1 on that hard drive... remember a hard drive can have several partions... and i am taking it that your computer only has one... mainly because you run windows... no offence...

well, hopefully that help... if you drive wasnt mounted... for some strange reason (i would blame aliens)... then just go to...


now... lets hope i have been some help...

03-31-2005, 01:30 PM
Well, to make it short / Thanks !
I got this working now by using Kernel 2.6 in Knoppix 3.7.
Well, "Almost". There is a issue, i dont know how to change the permission to "Allow Modifying".

Permission is set "Can view content" , and i think i need to have it at "Can view & Modify Content".

Could someone tell me how to do ? (I need to move some files but i cant cause i get an error , also when trying to change settings)

... remember a hard drive can have several partions... and i am taking it that your computer only has one... mainly because you run windows... no offence...
Hmmm.. my english isnt to good, but i got 2 hard drives, the 1 is in 2 partitions, 1 big and 1 small. the other one is just 1 partition and the 2 usb drives are also just 1 partition.

And then again im sorry for my not so good in english >P

04-09-2005, 09:06 PM
if memory serves correctly, and you can see the mounted drive, you should be able to right click on the desktop icon, left click on action - and go to change read/write mode....

I'm having the same bit of a dilemma with my USB hard drive not reading, but I just started playing around with Kernel 2.6, so maybe this will help. If you type dmesg, does it actually see your USB drives?

Harry Kuhman
04-09-2005, 10:11 PM
. There is a issue, i dont know how to change the permission to "Allow Modifying"....
What version of Windows are you using, or, more importantly, what type of partitions do you have? If you have NTFS partitions, which is the default for NTFS, you will corrupt data if you write to these partitions with Linux. You can thank Microsoft for this, they have made a lot of changes to the directory structure, and have kept it very propriatary, and one of the reasons for ths is believed to be to keep Linux users from using the partitions. Linux (and so Knoppix) can safely and accurately read data from an NTFS partition, but it can not safely write to an NTFS partition. If you are using an older FAT partition Knoppix can safely read and write to these partitions. Knoppix does default to opening these partitions read-only so that new users will do no harm, but you can change the mount starte to read/write. Do not do this for an NTFS partition. Knoppix will let you if you insist, but doing so will corrupt the disk.