View Full Version : Problems with the installation CD´s

03-31-2005, 10:39 AM
Hi all;

I am writting to this forum, because I have a strange problem with
some of the Linux distributions I have been testing in my PC.
I am a bit surprised, because Knoppix works increbibly well and I haven´t had
a problem with it.
Let´s see:
1.- The problem is only with the x86_64 compiled distros.
2.- Ubuntu (Debian based) and Fedora Core, start the instalation, but
at the very beginning, after two steps of the instalation process, the CD
tries to continue reading data, but it can´t and the CD finish stopped.
The instalation is not freezed, it responds to the "Enter" key. But
you can´t do anything else to restart. I can not install this distros.
It is like the install progran wouldn´t recognize my CD driver.
3.- My CD driver is a common and simple one. works perfectly with Knoppix,
Mandrake, and of course Windows ;-). It can read also the Gentoo instalation
CD for x86_64, but I find this distro too hard for a newbie like me :-D
4.- The cd´s I have tried of the distros mentioned above were well downloaded and burnt,
even the ubuntu one was original ¡¡¡

Everyone tends to say it´s a failure of the Cd´s, but I am convinced it´s due to
another reason. Anyone has suffered the same???
I am lookin forward to your answers.

Thanks in advance.

Harry Kuhman
03-31-2005, 11:17 AM
Did you check md5 sums of everything that you downloaded from a mirror? (Less important for Bittorrent dpwnloads but still a good idea.) Did you burn at a nice safe speed like 4x?

03-31-2005, 05:23 PM
Hi again;

First of all, thank you for your fast response.
I have downloaded other distros such as Knoppix and Mandrake, and I haven´t had problems with them.
I burn the CD´s at 12x, which is not a very high speed. Should I burn them more slowly??
About the MD5, I know what it is but i don´t know how to test if the Cd´s are correct.
How can I check the MD5 sum of an ISO CD image under Windows???

Thanks again....

Harry Kuhman
04-01-2005, 12:51 AM
I burn the CD´s at 12x, which is not a very high speed. Should I burn them more slowly??
About the MD5, I know what it is but i don´t know how to test if the Cd´s are correct.
How can I check the MD5 sum of an ISO CD image under Windows??? I burn all of my ISO's at 4x. I find high speed burning just causes problems. I have seen some cases where the new version 6 of Nero refuses to go below 8x on some drives but will burn at 4x on others, but other software will burn down to 1x on the same device (indicating to me it isn't a hardware issue). I simply don't know if 12x is slow enough to avoid problems or not. But the MD5 issue certainly needs to be looked at first.

To check the md5 sum there are many DOS and Windows programs (I think there is one in Knoppix too, since you seem to already have Knoppix working). I like one for Windows called md5summer. You should be able to find it with a simple Google search, I think I remember getting it from Sourcefourge.