View Full Version : Can't find kernel image: linux

04-04-2005, 05:13 PM
I've never gotten this error before. I just remastered 3.8 cebit, and now I'm getting it.

I've got a few ideas about what might be the problem, but I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this error before.

1) iso too large- My total .iso size is 700.5 MB. I thought k3b overburing would handle it.

2) isolinux.cfg possibly misconfigured (all I changed was the default cheatcodes, so I doubt it)

3) the mkisofs script I use to produce the iso (maybe a newer version of mkisofs got installed in the course of my upgrading and I need to use different options??)....

Harry Kuhman
04-04-2005, 10:11 PM
1) iso too large- My total .iso size is 700.5 MB. I thought k3b overburing would handle it.
2) isolinux.cfg possibly misconfigured (all I changed was the default cheatcodes, so I doubt it) If the ISO has grown this much, something more that just changing the default cheat codes happened.

04-05-2005, 12:01 AM
Well sure, I added KDE 3.4 and upgraded to unstable, and did a lot of GUI tweaking in the course of remastering. All standard stuff for my remaster, Overclockix. I was just trying to figure out why it can't boot.

I guess the first step will be getting it below 700MB.....
