View Full Version : clusterKnoppix - add a node without CD-R/HD/floppy

04-05-2005, 10:00 PM
The clusterKnoppix website writes that it is possible to add a new node without the use of a bootmedia whatsoever
over a LAN.

How is this done??

I have a bunch of windows machines that are used for work durring the day, and I am wondering if the above is indeed possible?
Am I then able to turn em into a cluster at night for the purpose of rendering, while leaving the filesystems intact.

I have browsed and googled this issue for a while now but found no immediate aswer.

If anyone has any feedback on this type of setup it would be greatly appreciated.


04-06-2005, 12:57 AM
I have not used clusterknoppix but I have used the knoppix-terminal-server with knoppix 3.6 & 3.7 to get other PCs to boot knoppix over a LAN connection.
A network boot would look something like this: Each nodes would be set to boot off the NIC using PXE which is almost always done through the BIOS. The server would run either knoppix-terminal-server (a collections of scripts & servers) or tftp dhcp nfs servers and the nodes would boot up, grab an ipadress, download via tftp a kernel image and perhaps a initial root, then boot the kernel and load the root filesytem via nfs.

04-07-2005, 08:59 AM
:) Thx d00d

Well got it working now.....

The whole office shuts down at nite and reboots my shared CD-image the image is then unmounted at 7 o'clock in the morning and the PC's shut down.
When ppl come in at work they can boot into their windows system as they normaly would.
In the meanwhile we now have a working openMosix cluster for rendering purposes.