View Full Version : Hiding kmix!!!!!

04-06-2005, 03:22 AM
Sometimes when I remaster, kmix doesn't want to start minimized. I've tried saving sessions, and editing the 45xsession script so that rsync'ing from the /usr/share/knoppix profile doesn't overwrite my cusotmized /etc/skel settings... And still sometimes kmix will popup when starting kde. Well I discovered that in terminals started in kde you can:

dcop kmix kmix-mainwindow#1 hide

And that will make the window minimize back to the tray. I'm not so sure about ~/.kde/Autostart, but I think a script like this would work. I haven't yet rebuilt my cloop to verify this works, but it should. I set variables for user and host because this is going in /etc/skel/.kde/Autostart and so ppl installing my remaster would have new users created with this script in Autostart and they might also choose their own hostname rather than the default, Knoppix.

host=`hostname -s`
DCOPSERVER=`cat /home/$user/.DCOPSERVER_$host_:0 | grep local`
dcop kmix kmix-mainwindow#1 hide

I'll test this out to be sure, and if it works it should be wikified and maybe added to the how-to use remastering scripts thread that floats around....
I wanted to post this as its own thread since searching google and these forums did not turn up much of anything on the subject.

04-06-2005, 11:37 AM
I had the same problem and the easy solution for it was suggested by UnderScore, When you exit the X while remastering close Kmix manually, in this case it won't appear on remastered version.


04-06-2005, 03:16 PM
I had the same problem and the easy solution for it was suggested by UnderScore, When you exit the X while remastering close Kmix manually, in this case it won't appear on remastered version.

Nikolay Nikolay is right. In the remastering process, when I am done using the KDE GUI, right before I end my KDE session, I right click the kmix icon in the tray and quit it. Then exit the session & continue the remastering (making the compressedFS, ISO). When I reboot off the new ISO image, the kmix icon is now minimized to the tray.

04-07-2005, 04:22 AM
The script works, and would prevent kmix from ever strting in window mode.

04-08-2005, 12:02 AM
I tried what UnderScore suggeted and he is right, it did hide Kmix.