View Full Version : How can I change KDE Menu and Icons after remastering?

04-08-2005, 06:41 PM
please forgive my poor english.

when I remastering with Knoppix.build scripts, every config file is perfectly reflected in Live CD. (locales, application config files ... etc) but KDE menu and Icons, wall paper, theme, widow decorations are always return to Basic Knoppix. How can I change KDE Menu and Icons after remastering?

What is the real KNOPPIX KDE menu config file in /usr/share/applications, /usr/share/applnk, /etc/skel?
and How can I reflect on remastering CD?

04-08-2005, 06:49 PM
as suggested by moran:

vi /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession

comment out lines 125 - 154

and save the file.
(comment out is putting # at the start of each line).

stage 2:

vi /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig

at line 1181 after the fi in new line i add:
mkdir /home/knoppix
cp -R /etc/skel/.??* /home/knoppix
cp -R /etc/skel/* /home/knoppix

chown -R knoppix:knoppix /home/knoppix

make steps 2 & 3 and burn the iso.

To edit KDE menu use menu editor,

K menu => Settings => Menu Editor

Good Luck


04-09-2005, 01:34 PM
I failed.
After remastering, back to basic again.

boot message says '/home/knoppix is already maded'.

can someone help me?

04-09-2005, 03:06 PM
it seems that you left X you didn't delete /etc/skel and replace it with /home/knoppix. Follow UnderScores How to:

rm –rf /etc/skel

It will remove /etc/skel and its content. Then:

mv /home/knoppix /etc/skel

This will move /home/knoppix to /etc/skel. And at the end change the owner:

chown –R root:root /etc/skel

/home/knoppix is being recreated on every start up

04-09-2005, 05:28 PM
It has been working!!!
even though still boot message '/home/knoppix, file has already made' printed
anyway Nikolay, Thank you for your help.

04-11-2005, 02:55 AM
Nikolay, I am worried about one thing.

vi /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession

comment out lines 125 - 154

I think, that comment out will effect on 'Persistent home directory'.

# Play sound

if [ -z "$DONTCHANGE" ]; then
# No persistent homedir, copy everything
rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/{.kde*,Desktop} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
if [ "$USER" = "knoppix" ]; then
rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/{.kde*,Desktop} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
# Build ksycoca database for KDE speedup
[ -d /usr/share/knoppix/profile/var/tmp/kdecache-knoppix ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/var/tmp/kdecache-knoppix/ /var/tmp/kdecache-knoppix 2>/dev/null

It will comment out 'DONTCHANGE' value so 'No persistent homedir, copy everything' will be lost.
What do U think about it?

04-11-2005, 01:47 PM
To be honest, I am not sure about it. I think the only way to find out is just to test it out. gonna do it when get home. and will post the results.


04-12-2005, 09:09 PM
I finished that test sucessfully.
maybe 'dontchange' value does not effect on persistent home directory.
thanks anyway.

04-13-2005, 01:47 PM
I have developed, with some fiends here in Brazil, a script that does the remastering of the knoppix currently installed on the HD, which is posted at http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18222 and have faced the same problem you described. We solved it adding this code rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/ $HOME/ at line 67 of the 45xsession and deleting 26 lines, starting from the line nr 200 in the same file (45xsession). It worked perfectly, maybe you should try this, once it doesn´t touch the persistent home directory.
PS: I´m talking about the 3.7 version of knoppix. I didn´t try the 3.8.1 yet, which I think I´m doing today. I wil post if sucessful or not.

04-13-2005, 03:10 PM
I am Korean.
and I thanks for your international cooperation.

my 45xsession file is

23 # add at least _one_ entry to xauth
24 # remove when updated nxclient is available
26 xauth add $DISPLAY MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 $(mcookie)

maybe that 26 line has nothing to do with my purpose.
so I think that I must not delete that line. plz tell me another line that I must delete.

64 # Copy profiles if not already present
65 rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/{.acrorc,.Xdefaults,.gimp*,.gconf*,.bashrc,.nessus *,.links,.local,.lynx*,.qt,.xine,tmp} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
66 [ "$USER" = "knoppix" ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/{.gnupg,.acrorc,.Xdefaults,.bashrc,.nessus*,.links ,.lynx*,.qt,.xine,tmp} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
67 [ "$USER" = "knoppix" -a -f /usr/share/knoppix/profile/.fonts.cache-1 ] && rsync -H --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/.fonts.cache-1 $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
69 # We DO need the .gnome* directory for some programs that set permissions incorrectly

and Where do I add code 'rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/ $HOME/' after that 67 line?

05-20-2005, 04:05 AM
Is there nobody who knows how to get this to work?

05-20-2005, 05:20 AM
Hello from Canada Gunsmoke!

I have been working on this stuff lately too, and figured it out. Unfortunately my instructions are still pretty rough (I will post them all in this forum when done). I hope this helps:

The menu’s in KDE and possibly other window managers are generated dynamically by the ‘menu’ script. You cannot use normal methods of remastering to change the menu’s, and most move to a different method. I got around this by doing 2 things:

a) Commenting out lines 125-150 (rsync block) in /remaster/etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession

b) Create your remastered CD, and boot from it on a different PC then you remaster from. It will have the default menu's the first time. Don't worry. Use KDE menu editor to customize them, as you would like them to be. Also, use the KDE Control Center for any other changes you want (wallpaper, etc). When you are done, put a USB key in the drive. The system will automount it, showing you the name of the partition(s) on it. These will likely be /dev/sda1, or something similar.

c) Use the Knoppix "Save Configuration"(KMenu --> KNOPPIX --> Configure --> Save Knoppix Confguration OR run 'saveconfig') script to save your configuration to the USB key. I save 'Personal Configuration', 'All Files on Desktop', and other to my USB partition. This will create 2 files: configs.tbz and knoppix.sh.

d) Get these files back to your 'remaster' box, and copy them to "/remaster/KNOPPIX.build/Knoppix.Master/KNOPPIX-CUSTOM/KNOPPIX/" directory. Now, rebuild and remaster your CD again. From here they should be run on EACH boot, and will take affect.


Sorry for any grammer mistakes. Like I said, this is kind of a work in progress.


05-20-2005, 05:24 AM

In the above post, I was editing on the fly....so where I said "2 steps", it should read "4 steps".

05-29-2005, 07:44 PM
Which version of knoppix are you using?
Sorry, but I think I was misunderstood. I didn't mean deleting the line 26, I meant deleting 26 lines counting from the 200th.
Anyway, if you are using knoppix version 3.7 or 3.81 you should maybe give a try on the script I mentioned, which remasters your hd installed knoppix.

06-08-2005, 02:53 AM
thanks for your help, guys.
I am hearted. and deep impressed.

I am working on remastering locaization knoppix for korean from ver 3.7 till 3.9. and I try out UnderScore's way from ver 3.8. maybe it is the best way in my job, I think.

ps. Actually I am marvelous that you guys understand what I mean. I am really poor at English!!

06-21-2005, 10:26 AM
any 1 figure this out yet w/o using saveconfig??

06-21-2005, 10:43 AM
meaning commenting out #s 200-226 correct?

06-21-2005, 10:47 AM
sorry about the post frequency after you emove the 36 lines is that just for hddinstall or does it work for remaster live cd and running off cd also if i use the other method with saveconfig and use the backup settings method will i be limiting myself on alternate computers ie does it save xserver settings like which videocard drivers i use or is all stored in xf86config?

06-21-2005, 02:01 PM
Another way to do this is to copy the knoppix source to HD, then chroot from your normal linux installation. Go to the directory /usr/share/applnk, and add directories there. They will become first level entries in the KDE menu. In them, place the applinks you like, and each one will appear as an entry under the main menu item. To see the format for an applink, open an existing one with a text editor. HTH, M.

09-05-2005, 09:55 AM
hi all,
I tried to remove the kmenu items, but certain items still remain in the kmenu like bookmarks, quick browser, run command, switch user, how can i remove these items???,Also the separator with heading "actions ""all applications" r"eceently used application" are also there, plz help me to remove these
another question is how to remove the icons from the task bar????
then the desktop icons shwoing the trash, cdrom floppy and hdd icons

plz help

(i am trying to cusstomize knoppix 3.9)