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View Full Version : video card not detected

04-13-2005, 02:41 AM
Hi, Knoppix 3.8.1 dosen't detect my video card, a RADEON 9600. I think that because of this my screen is having a low refresh rate. It was detected in Knoppix 3.7(PC Welt Edition). Please help.

04-13-2005, 05:08 AM
Not that I'm going to be much help, but 3.8.1 at least detected my chip, a Radeon 9000, it just would not start an xserver for it. It's a kinda strange message that says can't find a suitable xserver for the video card, and after several tries at different resolutions, it gives up. I haven't found a solution as yet, but in your situation I would think there's something broken with the the iso as knoppix is usually very good at detecting hardware.

I know that's not much help, but I have a 3.7 live Cd that does detect my hardware and starts X and KDE just fine. The 3.8.1 version detects the hardware, it just won't start X, but it complains about the video card.


04-13-2005, 05:08 PM
I think it has something to do with the fact that 3.8.1 forces kernal 2.6. In my (very limited :p) experience kernal 2.4, which is the default in 3.7, plays much better with radeon cards. The problem is that 3.7 is now quite outdated(no UnionFS, outdated packages etc.). Mabye in the next release 2.4 will again be optional, just like 2.6 was. But again, I'm just guessing and I know that space is limited in a 700 mb disk. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated.