View Full Version : floppyconfig

04-14-2005, 05:33 PM
I'm trying to save settings and can't seem to get the floppyconfig cheat to function. When I made
the floppy, knoppix said to use the command myconfig=/mnt/auto/floppy. I get a error while booting
from the CD and it loads the defaults. I tried floppyconfig and config=scan, but still no luck. I seem to
remember a error message saying something like: must start with /dev/ or /mnt/ or 'scan'.
What am I missing here :?:

Alan Harrison
04-15-2005, 02:14 PM
Hi, you're not the only one having this problem.


Unfortunately, I haven't got an answer and have had to give up on 3.8.1 until I can get this resolved.

04-15-2005, 04:19 PM
Thanks Alan,

I'm going to try a USB pen drive next. Have you tried that yet?

Alan Harrison
04-15-2005, 05:43 PM
No I haven't. I'm not sure if my BIOS would support the USB drive prior to boot (I've got a fairly old computer). I must admit, I assumed the problem was with Knoppix not recognising the floppy settings file as a valid file, but I'm no expert on this stuff. If you have any success, please let me know and I'll pursue it further.


04-16-2005, 06:08 PM
I was very unhappy when the command "myconfig=/mnt/auto/floppy" didn't work
to restore my saved configuration from a floppy disk too.

Try this: "knoppix floppyconf" at the boot prompt. It really does work!

I'm using 3.7 -- My 3.8.1 is on the way (dialup connection) :-(

Alan Harrison
04-16-2005, 06:48 PM
I don't have a problem with 3.7. It's 3.8.1 that won't recognise the configuration file on the floppy. If it works for you, please let me know what you did. I think I've exhausted all the various "knoppix flopyconf" options. I'd really like to get 3.8.1 working as it contains Firefox and Thunderbird, my preferred browser and email.


04-17-2005, 07:12 PM
No I haven't. I'm not sure if my BIOS would support the USB drive prior to boot (I've got a fairly old computer). I must admit, I assumed the problem was with Knoppix not recognising the floppy settings file as a valid file, but I'm no expert on this stuff. If you have any success, please let me know and I'll pursue it further.


Hi Alan,

I bought a 512MB sony microvault yesterday and did a persistent home with it. When I boot I use the cheatcode home=/mnt/uba1/knoppix.img and
everything loads fine. However it does seem to hang the system sometimes :( I think it's due to newer settings being written to it. I'm going to
experiment a bit more with the laptop and also with a Dell desktop at work this week. I also have a config saved to the USB.

I deleted the knoppix.img and started with myconfig=/dev/uba1 and knoppix started fine with my settings and so far hasn't hung up!

Alan Harrison
04-17-2005, 09:28 PM
Hey Harry, you're a star. I copied the config files from the floppy to a USB stick, followed your instructions and, hey presto, it worked - it recognised the configuration file on the USB drive and loaded the my settings ok. I'm writing this from Firefox running in 3.8.1.

Many thanks,
