View Full Version : newb question on knoppix

04-19-2005, 04:25 PM
hey guys I'm completely new to this, so basically what i what i would like to know is where in linux can i access an application that allows be to use and practise telnet commands. I need this for my college work, at college we use telnet and login to a server where we are able to practise our telnet commands, however at home im unable to do that so they porvided us with a knoppix cd version 3.2 to practise commands on, however im not to sure how to use it and how it relates to telnet. Could someone please explain. I managed to boot it and all and get the OS displayed but i dunno where to go from there.

However Im also having another mager problem where my mouse doesnt work,,, the cursor just sits in the middle of the screen and the laser on the mouse is off, i even typed in the knoppix pci=irqmask=0x0e98 commands but that dint do nuthn, does nyone know what the prob may be? and also does it matter if your using serial or usb port coz im usn a usb port mouse. Withought the mouse working i cant much explore knoppix, can nyone help pleeeeease

04-19-2005, 04:45 PM
oh btw i am also in the process of dl knoppix version 3.8.1

Harry Kuhman
04-19-2005, 05:40 PM
oh btw i am also in the process of dl knoppix version 3.8.1
Perhaps when you post back asking why it didn't boot after your burnt it to the CD you should use a more meaningful and informative subject line than you used this time.

04-21-2005, 12:19 AM
uhm yea so i assume u dont have a solution to my prob oh well....

Harry Kuhman
04-21-2005, 04:42 AM
uhm yea so i assume u dont have a solution to my prob oh well....
I posted long ago that I'm not going to even try to help on posts that have subject lines like this one.
Such subject lines show a complete disreguard for others, both for the people reading the subjects and deciding what items they can help with, without having to read all of the articles, and for later people with the same problem who do read through the forum subject lines looking for the information rather than just ask the same question over again.
I'm going to live with that. It looks like others are also.

04-21-2005, 03:33 PM
oh thats what u ment sorry i dunno im not to experianced with forums,, sides iv noticed a lot of poeple with similar subject lines and i dont c them gnet replies like this

Harry Kuhman
04-21-2005, 04:19 PM
I've notice a growing number of people doing it too, and that why I and a few other have started being vocal about it.

04-22-2005, 04:35 AM
oh thats what u ment sorry i dunno im not to experianced with forums,, sides iv noticed a lot of poeple with similar subject lines and i dont c them gnet replies like this
Buddy, we've got this stuff called grammar and spelling. This isn't AIM...At least make an attempt at decent English. Unless you don't speak English...Then speak in broken English....Because "I have liking the Knoppix" is better than "omg, knopx s awsum lol"

04-24-2005, 02:36 AM
u guyz r fags i can't believe ur makin a big deal out of it....

04-24-2005, 02:45 AM
Buddy, we've got this stuff called grammar and spelling. This isn't AIM...At least make an attempt at decent English. Unless you don't speak English...Then speak in broken English....Because "I have liking the Knoppix" is better than "omg, knopx s awsum lol"

I have to admit, this has always been my biggest pet peeve with forums. Personally my spelling sucks but gramar and diction should be pretty well understood by the time you can type...

04-25-2005, 03:55 AM
Alright, so, here we are, a bunch of "1337" forum users, and we have something to complain about. Some poor new user who's apparently a newbie at forums isn't following every guideline we've set out for the newbies. So the right thing to do is chew him/her out and just ignore it afterwards, right?
If you have a gripe, fine, say something about it. But answer their question at least! Otherwise, how're you any better? Your posts become offtopic! Sure, they can claim they're a newbie on every forum they go to, but can't you give 'em the benefit of the doubt? We're supposed to be a helpful (if perhaps not friendly) community after all!

With that said...

what i what i would like to know is where in linux can i access an application that allows be to use and practise telnet commands.
In any console you should be able to use the "telnet" command. The basic syntax is the same as with Windows: telnet [host] [port]. As for where you'll find a console, well, look in the menu; there's several different ones you can choose from. Also, if I recall correctly, by default there'll be one as an icon near the menu button.

However Im also having another mager problem where my mouse doesnt work,,, the cursor just sits in the middle of the screen and the laser on the mouse is off
What brand, model and type of mouse are you using? (Logitech MX700 USB, for example.)
Also, if all you need is the telnet command, you can switch over to a text console by pressing CTRL+ALT+F2 (or F3, or F4). And whenever you're done using Knoppix (and have logged out of the remote system), you can reboot/shutdown by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL. (Using the "reboot" or "shutdown now" commands should work too, but I got stuck when I used "shutdown now", recently, for some reason.)