View Full Version : Knoppix 3.8.1 - desktop cheatcodes

04-19-2005, 09:21 PM
Hi, everybody!

When I (at boot prompt) type: "knoppix desktop=fluxbox", it just loads KDE.
The same happens for "knoppix desktop=gnome-session" (I installed gnome with the UnionFS system), but that might have something to do with me :-P

04-20-2005, 10:12 PM
You have to type cheatcodes in German.

Heh - my little joke. :roll:

The scripts that start Knoppix up from hard drive are just copies of the ones that start it from CD. And since the CD can't hold every window manager on the face of the earth, they "translate" what they're told ("gnome") into something they can deal with ("kde").

I'm looking at a script for Knoppix 3.7 - it doesn't change fluxbox into kde. Hmmmm....

Anyway, so long as kdm is your display manager (and it's the default) it's easy enough to set the window manager you want. Don't use a desktop cheatcode. Then, when the graphical login window comes up, click on Menu and then Session Type.

You should see all the window managers that kdm knows about, and you take your choice. If you don't go through this procedure, kdm just launches whichever wm you used last. So you do it once, and it stays set to that.

Let us know if this doesn't work.

-- Ed