View Full Version : adding wallpapers...

04-23-2005, 02:37 AM
*obligitory "Linux Newbie" statement*

Okay, I've got a bunch of new wallpapers that I would like to keep in the /usr/share/wallpapers directory. But everytime I try to move them there (even in su mode) it says "cannot create regular file `/usr/share/wallpapers/xxx.jpg': Read-only file system".

I haven't remastered or created a persistent home or anything like that. I'm just using the cd and a saved configuration on a floppy. So is it even possible to do this without doing the remaster/persistent home? If so that's too bad because I'm not in a place to do that yet.

If it is possible...how??

Thanks for the help.


04-24-2005, 04:26 AM
Hint: in Linux apparently we call them backgrounds (I use WinSnows too).

Put your backgrounds in your Home dir. (which is on the RamDisk), not /usr.

Go into KDE Configuration, you'll find background setup somewhere,
& set it to your background in the Home dir. (it's just like WinBlows).

In the PENGUIN menu on the task bar (they call TaskBar something else also)
you'll see "Configure" > "Create Knoppix Configuration".
It will save the KDE settings & lots of other settings also.

"Configure" > "Save Persistant Home" saves Home dir. with anything you put
in it (backgrounds) to a floppy, HD, USB, etc.

Just read Docs on Persistant Home, & Saving Configuration, it'll tell you more,
& show you how to restore all of the above settings.

04-25-2005, 11:33 AM
Thank you.

Backgrounds...I'll remember that.