View Full Version : Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem after adding new kernel

04-25-2005, 01:26 AM
Hi all,

I've followed the 'Remaster from Hd Install HowTo' and the 'Knoppix Custom Kernel Howto' to create a Knoppix LiveCD that would run RTAI Hal for Linux kernel v. 2.4.7. After installing the Knoppix CD to my hard drive I was able to boot the new kernel with RTAI. However, when I followed the Remaster from Hd Install HowTo to burn a new Knoppix CD with the RTAI kernel, I keep getting the message: 'Can't find Knoppix filesystem'.
Here's what I have tried:
knoppix nodma
knoppix noscsi
knoppix idecd
knoppix bootfrom=/dev/cdrom/KNOPPIX

However, if I have an existing Knoppix tohd installation on a drive, I can boot my RTAI kernel with no problem off of the CD (it uses the KNOPPIX directory from toHD). This problem just seems to be that the linuxrc cannot find KNOPPIX on the CD! I've checked the file-system structure of the original downloaded KNOPPIX CD and my copy, they are identical. Furthermore, I've tried reburning the CD to see if it was a burn error....no luck. I've also tried other computers with no luck

Any ideas/suggestions?



04-25-2005, 01:53 AM
BTW, I'm using kernel 2.4.27 NOT 2.4.7 (typo).
Found out that cloop.o wasn't compiled properly. Upon recompiling and re-inserting in the minirt everything worked fine!
