View Full Version : vid problems with remaster

04-25-2005, 03:17 PM
I've tried remastering from the instrucions/howto on this site. Adding/removing apps is no problem, and I can boot my final image no issues.

However.... for some reason, the X settings get messed up on my custom version. It won't start at anything but 640x480x8bit on several computers I've tried. The original Knoppix disk works fine on the exact same machines.

Any ideas?

04-25-2005, 08:54 PM
I can't offer any answer, except that I'm seeing a slightly different video related
problem that may be similar. I remastered on one machine, following the instructions in the book "Knoppix Hacks". When I take the CD over to another machine, I get a message from the monitor "Frequency out of Range" (it's seeing 112kHz and only supports up to 110kHz). Even trying the cheatcode for generic frame buffer "fb 1024x768" did not help; the monitor still sees a frequency that's too high.

I have run the original knoppix CDs on that monitor/PC combination.

04-27-2005, 03:58 PM
