View Full Version : Remastering Knoppix with XFCE and Installable Option

04-27-2005, 01:57 AM
Hi all,

i have read articles on customizing knoppix and am planning to build a knoppix derivative distro.....but i have some clarifications to be done....here are the clarifications.......

first of all, a live cd is meant to be simple and not resource hungry and ofcourse when we add applications it will be resource hungry.......so my questuion is, can i have a knoppix wherein XFCE is the only desktop and not KDE??..........if so how to accomplish that??......

knoppix comes with several options like booting from 2.4 or 2.6 kernel and many other options.....and as u all know there is an option to install into our hard-disk also!.........well thats interesting...........so my question now is....can i have the installation option as my only option and make it not function as a Live CD Distribution rather make it like other Distros (Installable one)???........how can i accomplish that??........

i would be very happy if some one could help me out in this.......

thanks in advance......

with regards,

05-02-2005, 01:32 PM
You can try to remaster


For uninstall all kde files and components, you can do:

apt-get remove libarts1 kdebase

Good Luck