View Full Version : Multiple panels in KDE.

05-01-2005, 11:36 PM
Hello, I was trying to change KDE's look so when you boot you'll have more than one panel. First, I changed the look of KDE in the live-cd, went to /home/knoppix/.kde/share/config and copied kickerrc( the main panel ) to /etc/skel/.kde/share/config/kickerrc. For the child panels I noticed that a separate file is created for each child panel you add, so I copied /home/knoppix/.kde/share/config/childpanel-extension-*rc to /etc/skel/.kde/share/config/ the problem is that the main panel's( kickerrc ) configuration takes effect when I boot from my remastered copy, but any child panel I created will not be displayed correctly, an empty panel will be created instead, like if you just added a new panel. Is there any other file needed for these child panels to display correctly? Anyone ever experienced something like this? Any help would be appreciated.

05-02-2005, 01:36 AM
Well I don't have that problem anymore, I ended up copying /home/knoppix/* to /etc/skel/ after making the changes and now everything shows up correctly, I'm not sure why I didn't do that from the beggining.