View Full Version : Kernel Rebuild in English???

05-03-2005, 01:57 PM
First, Thanks to all for this distro, I have been using it for 2 months as my main OS because it saves alot of time "setting up" over other distro's I've used.
I tried to rebuild the kernel and it converts to German (I am using the English version)
I've got a copy of Netraverse' Win4Lin which requires me to rebuild the kernel, I have done this before but only by using directions so here is what I did I got the patches form http://www.netraverse.com/member/downloads/kernel_patch.php and a matching kernel from http://www.kernel.org (I used the kernel since it had a matching patch then tried 3 others)
I then applied the patches using "patch -p1 < ../mki-adapter.patch" (replacing mki-adapter.patch for others) then created the kernel using "make dep clean bzImage modules 2>&1 | tee make.log"
and "make modules_install" This all worked fine except the language is changed (even the boot info is now in German) Win4Lin even works. The same results happen without using any patches.
How do I rebuild the kernel and force it to use English??

05-11-2005, 09:28 PM
How do I rebuild the kernel and force it to use English??
TIAHave you tried the knoppix cheat lang=us ?

05-13-2005, 05:10 AM
Check the file '/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg'.
Under 'Default Linux', you'll find the 'lang=' cheat.
Just change that to 'lang=us' and you're set!
I'm looking at Knoppix 3.8, but it should be similar whith other versions.