View Full Version : Linux, windows, and rwx between filee systems.

05-05-2005, 04:28 AM
Ok, here is my problem. I love Linux and have been using it quite some time now. I am some what of a Linux beginner, but I know my way around. The situation that I am faced with, is that I am essentially required to have Windows. Work requires me to be able to have to have access to windows. I have close to 300 Gb's of files that I would like to be able to use in both linux and windows. I run linux full time and only switch to windows when I have to, how ever I would like to have access to all of my files in both operating systems. NTFS is not an option, since linux can be touchy about writing and executing on it. The majority of my files are stored on NTFS with 4 FAT32 partitions that I am using as go between file systems. I need a file system that can handle 200+GB partitions AND that windows and linux can both rwx to reliably. Most of these files I consider essential. I am running RAID, so I have the hardware failure covered. And as I said before, I don't want to use the linux writing to an NTFS solution, cause if it messes up the fs, then all my data will be lost. I have heard of a couple of programs that will let windows write to ext3, but I don't know how reliable they are, or wether that could be an option.