View Full Version : Knoppix and programming

05-07-2005, 05:26 PM
Hi I am new to Linux and was wondering if I could write programming languages with it.

I know it comes with Kate but I need to write .NET and Java programs.

I know there is a Linux version of the Java SDK but is that on the Knoppix CD and can I write and test Java programs? I know of a framework called Mono that lets Linux users make .NET programs but is that on the Knoppix CD?

Any help would be great

05-07-2005, 09:25 PM
Just about every programming language know to geek-kind is supported on linux, let's see:

Smalltalk (at least 3 dialects), Java, C, C++, perl, Python, Haskell, .NET, php, javascript, a few versions of Basic, and on and on. And there are free tools for them all. You're probably better off using gvim or emacs to write code than Kate, or grabbing one of the many IDEs out there.

The Sun JDK isn't included with Knoppix, nor is Mono, or any of the Java or Smalltalk IDEs, but to be honest, you'd not really program from a liveCD anyway, would you?

You need to do a Debian style install to HD and then apt-get the other tools, but if you're going for aHD install then Kanotix [knods to Harry, asleep in corner] is probably a better bet.

05-08-2005, 10:37 AM
ok thanks for the help mate.

05-10-2005, 10:00 AM
you said something about .Net,

i read a review about mono... its a linux equivalent of microsofts .Net, dont know if there is a debian type version yet?


hope i have been any use

07-20-2005, 05:53 PM
conio header file can't be included ?? why ??
also some headers are missing ??
Should I install libstdc ?

07-20-2005, 08:39 PM
conio header file can't be included ?? why ??

Because conio.h is a non-ansi compliant and Windows specific header file! You shouldn't be using it!

also some headers are missing ??
Should I install libstdc ?

I've no idea. You hijack someone else's thread and don't tell us what you're trying to do. Our psychic ability is vastly over-rated. Please post your own thread and let us know what you're trying to do.

07-21-2005, 05:22 AM
Sorry , Fingers .. I thought I should not waste space by opening another thread :-s
I will pm you. Thanks.