View Full Version : Problem with cloop.o & minirt.gz / Knoppix 3.8.1

05-09-2005, 03:50 PM
Hello All,

I am preparing Knoppix rescue CD with my custom kernel, patched with realtime-preempt and realtime-lsm patches.

I have compiled kernel and modules. Then I've built cloop.o (from package cloop_2.01-5.tar.gz) and inserted it into minirt.gz.

After reboot I get error:

cloop.o: -1 Incompatible module format

What should I do? I read through the rest of posts, but I haven't found any answer.

Thanks in advance,

05-13-2005, 09:51 PM
1. Go into the kernel tree and run "modinfo" on one of the modules you built to get the kernel_version string.
2. Repeat same for cloop.o: "modinfo cloop.o"
3. If the strings don't match, you need to fix that, most likely by editing the Makefile's version variables to get them to match.
4. Note that for whatever reason, the minirt.gz ramdisk contains modules named *.o, but in fact, these are renamed from their .ko names which the Linux build process gives them. (If you care, you can go back to calling them *.ko, but you will have to edit the
linuxrc file in the ramdisk.

Anyway, I am also trying to customize the kernel to add Ingo Molnar's patch and make it real time preemptible, and have questions of my own to ask Klaus & Co. I'll keep an eye on your psotings.