View Full Version : PLEASE HELP!!!

05-10-2005, 10:32 PM
I will admit that I am a newbie to Knoppix but have been really trying to figure it out. Now here is my problem, I have my system booted with Knoppix, I am trying to recover files from a second drive, connected via usb, now Knoppix sees the drive and I can view the files on it but I can't copy them to my computers hard drive for the life of me. I have even tried to just move files around on the systems HDD and it won't let me do that either. Can anyone give me some kind of newbie breakdown of what I am doing wrong. Just for info sake, I have even tried to mount HDA1 using the terminal but knoppix tells me that it is already mounted.

Someone help before I totally rip all my hair out.


05-11-2005, 02:10 AM
Hi Laura,

I'm a newbie too, but sounds like one or both of these:

1. You could be trying to copy to an NTFS partition, something that is not recommended. The two main Windoze XP partition types are FAT32 and NTFS. You can read or write to FAT32 but only read from NTFS. Right click on the drive icon and select "properties". If it's marked "read only" chances are it's NTFS.

2. You don't have "permission" to write that file to the drive, which means to do it you'll have to do it as "root" or "super user". Open a terminal window and type:

<enter your password>

This will open the Konqueror file manager as root (which is what I'm guessing you were trying to use).

Hope this helps, I'm still kinda new to this and I haven't used Knoppix in several months (I use Kanotix now) so I may not have it exactly right, but should be close enough to get you on the right path...


05-11-2005, 06:52 AM
PLEASE HELP!!! mmh, very bad title.

Maybe you need right click on your hd icon\actions\make device vritable :wink: