View Full Version : antivirus

05-13-2005, 03:05 AM
Is it possible to boot up on Knoppix and clean up viruses on a Windows ntfs harddrive? I know there is such a thing as f-prof but it only finds the viruses it doesn't clean them.

Any idea's?


05-13-2005, 06:26 AM
The answer is a definite maybe... Linux has a *very* limited support for writing to NTFS filesystems, so cleaning
viruses would probably destroy the entire filesystem. However you may have success using the "captive" driver
(Knoppix-3.7: Menue -> Knoppix -> Utilities -> Captive), which searches and uses the filesystem driver that comes
with windows.
I don't have an NTFS partition, so I cannot tell if this really works.