View Full Version : Real Player, a real Headache...

05-14-2005, 11:55 AM
ok, here i am, trying to download the plugin for firefox... can't find one, :( took ages... and ages... finally got the linux download for it threw google, (real player didnt have a link on their main page, or either it was way to small to findLike THIs small... anyway, took a little time downloading, (was doing apt-get update at the time... which also didnt work fine, but you will read that in another post...

anyway... the installer didnt open, :( anyone else know where i can find a plug in for the internet... anyhelp...

Thanks for reading, and helping... :D C-H bonding

05-14-2005, 12:16 PM
Here (https://pfs.mozilla.org/plugins/)

05-15-2005, 04:03 AM
I downloaded RealPlayer10 from here http://www.real.com/. After installing, the browser plugin worked with konqueror and firefox.

Installation Instructions

- Ensure that the .bin file you downloaded is executable. You can make the .bin file executable by running the "chmod a+x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" command from a terminal window.

- Run the .bin file by typing "./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin". Follow the prompts provided to finish installing the player.

- When you launch the player for the first time, a set-up assistant will take you through configuring your player.

- Enjoy your RealPlayer10 for Linux!

06-02-2005, 03:36 PM
Not to hijack the thread.

But I've tried to use Klik to install Real Player and then I wasn't able to get it to run. I removed it and then installed Real Player 10.

Everytime I try to run real player, I get this for the output:

public@xanadu:/usr/bin$ ./replay
Use of uninitialized value in open at ./replay line 45.
cannot read timing info: No such file or directory at ./replay line 45.

It looks like it is looking for a directory???

any ideas?