View Full Version : First time using Knoppix to recue data from a non-boot HD

05-18-2005, 05:32 AM
Hi folks,

This is my first time using Knoppix CD to rescue data from a non-boot Hard Drive.

The HD was running FedoraCore3 unable to boot because of using non-compatible repositories download/upgrade non compatible packages.

Hard Drive - 3 partitions

I expect to save and copy some data/files from /home/user/ and burn them directly on CD, not to backup all of them.

Using following command line on Konsole/terminal

# mkisofs -R -joliet-long -graft-points -hide-rr-moved \
/name-A/=/path/to/dir-A/ \
/nanm-B/=/path/to/dir-B/ \
/name-C/=/path/to/dir-C/ |\
cdrecord dev=ATA:1,0,0 -v -eject -

I can burt directory/subdirectory/files directly on CD without creating ISO image. It works for me on Fedora, Debian, etc.

Does Knoppix include "mkisofs" and "cdrecord"?

Can the forgoing command work on Knoppix environment?

If NO please advise other alternative on Knoppix

