View Full Version : Help with wireless, ndiswrapper & gcc please

05-19-2005, 09:24 AM
First post, and could probably go in a few of the different forums but as I've only been using Knoppix since last week I thought the newbie forum was best :wink:

Anyway, I've done a HDD install of 3.8.2 (dual-boot with XP Pro) on my laptop (an Acer TM 800) and most things are going nicely but there are a couple of issues that are really doing my head in. I'm at work as I type (obviously working hard on business related issues :lol: ) so I can't copy/paste any errors right now so my terminology might be a little duff.

1) getting the wireless settings to stick at boot for the Intel 2100 chipset - if I run wavelan all the settings are there (ESSID, WEP key, etc) so I just need to hit enter a few times then same for configuring my network cards and I'm sorted. Where are these settings being retained and how can I get them to stick at boot. It's no biggie just a minor annoyance, at least I have wireless connectivity. I don't know if it's significant but when running off the live CD my wireless card was eth0 but as a HDD install it's not eth2 (I seem to have gained an extra network card somewhere)

2) I've got a Buffalo 11g cardbus card which I would prefer to use but I'm having ndiswrapper troubles. I load up the driver and get to the point of modprobe nsidwrapper and get told ndiswrapper.ko is missing. It was in 3.8.1 (I think!!) so where's it gone?

This leads me to the point of trying to install ndiswrapper. Following the instructions at sourceforge I do a 'make distclean' which seems o.k. but when I try 'make' I get an error with something along the lines of gcc-version.sh no such file or folder. Installation of GCC seems fairly more convoluted so before I stumble any further I thought I'd drop in here and see if some kind soul can shed some light any any/all issues.

Cheers (in anticipation)

06-02-2005, 01:27 PM
2) I've got a Buffalo 11g cardbus card which I would prefer to use but I'm having ndiswrapper troubles. I load up the driver and get to the point of modprobe nsidwrapper and get told ndiswrapper.ko is missing. It was in 3.8.1 (I think!!) so where's it gone?

This leads me to the point of trying to install ndiswrapper. Following the instructions at sourceforge I do a 'make distclean' which seems o.k. but when I try 'make' I get an error with something along the lines of gcc-version.sh no such file or folder. Installation of GCC seems fairly more convoluted so before I stumble any further I thought I'd drop in here and see if some kind soul can shed some light any any/all issues.

I'm having the same issue with ndiswrapper on Knoppix 3.8.2. I'm using an IOGEAR Wireless-G USB 2.0 Flex Adapter.