View Full Version : Error message on boot up

05-19-2005, 05:33 PM
I have tried booting to several different PCs and see the same error message - modprobe: FATAL: could not read '/lib/modules/2.6.11/kernel/drivers/input/tsdev.ko': not a directory. I have searched the boot cd and could not find the listed directory. Has anyone encountered this and may I ask what this is and what it does? I am a newbie. Thanks.


Never give up , never go quitely into the night.[/quote]

05-21-2005, 12:18 PM
Seems it concerns something called a tristate "Touchscreen interface".

Just doing a grep on the kernel sources comes up with...

Documentation directory:

]$ grep tsdev *

kernel-parameters.txt: tsdev.xres= [TS] Horizontal screen res olution.
kernel-parameters.txt: tsdev.yres= [TS] Vertical screen resol ution.

From the main trunch:

]$ grep -rl tsdev .

In the Kconfig file:

tristate "Touchscreen interface"
depends on INPUT
Say Y here if you have an application that only can understand the
Compaq touchscreen protocol for absolute pointer data. This is
useful namely for embedded configurations.

If unsure, say N.
int "Horizontal screen resolution"
depends on INPUT_TSDEV
default "240"

int "Vertical screen resolution"
depends on INPUT_TSDEV
default "320"

As your booting of a cd i ... seems strange. Look for a cheatcode to kill the directory.

Look at the init script on the cd and grep for that. You might just have a cd with an error on it. No idea uther than that, really though.

There may be some hint in those files though.


-|- If the systems the answer, then the question
must have been really stupid -|-