View Full Version : Can't Customising Boot Logo

05-19-2005, 08:10 PM
Dear aLL :

I'm try to customising knoopix boot logo.But can't success.

I try to copy logo.16 into my home directory.Using :

#lss16toppm <logo.16> logo.ppm

It is ok.No any problem.I try to edit the logo by gimp.Everything is fine.

When i try to using :

#ppmtolss16 <logo.ppm> logo.16

There will have a error message : "/usr/bin/ppmtolss16: Input format error 1"

I try to save logo.ppm to logo.png.Then using :

#pngtopnm <logo.png> logo.pnm

it is ok. But When i try to type in :

#ppmtolss16 <logo.pnm> logo.16

There will have a error message "/usr/bin/ppmtolss16: Warning: color palette truncated (159 colors ignored)
256000 pixels, 5271 bytes, (95.88% compression)"

I doesn't know why! Who can help me to slove the problem?

Thank you for you taking you times to read this post.Have your like day! 8)

Raymond Lam

05-19-2005, 08:46 PM
I did this 2 weeks ago.
You might need to create a BMP as an intermediate file type. Then use ImageMagick's convert to convert it from BMP to PPM.
In gimp I create a 640x400 24bit image. I scale down the color depht to 4 bit=16 colors. Then I save it as a BMP: mylogo.bmp
At the command line:
convert -depth 16 mylogo.bmp mylogo.ppm
Which will result in a PPM: mylogo.ppm. Then I use the ppmtolss16 command:
ppmtolss16 < mylogo.ppm > mylogo.lss
Then I rename the old logo.16 to logo-old.16 and then copy mylogo.lss to logo.16

Let me know if this has helped you.

05-19-2005, 09:32 PM
I was having the same problem. Your solution worked for me. Thanks

05-20-2005, 02:11 AM
I did this 2 weeks ago.
You might need to create a BMP as an intermediate file type. Then use ImageMagick's convert to convert it from BMP to PPM.
In gimp I create a 640x400 24bit image. I scale down the color depht to 4 bit=16 colors. Then I save it as a BMP: mylogo.bmp
At the command line:
convert -depth 16 mylogo.bmp mylogo.ppm
Which will result in a PPM: mylogo.ppm. Then I use the ppmtolss16 command:
ppmtolss16 < mylogo.ppm > mylogo.lss
Then I rename the old logo.16 to logo-old.16 and then copy mylogo.lss to logo.16

Let me know if this has helped you.

To James :

I will try!Thank You very much!!

Raymond Lam