View Full Version : Booting Problems on Notebook

05-19-2005, 11:54 PM
I am trying to boot Knoppix on my notebook but after first screen and three commandlines, there is either a black screen and nothing moves or the notebook restarts.
The three commandlines are:
Loading Linux.........
Loading minirt.gz...........

now what can I do? I'm trying this with the Knoppix v. 8.1 German.
on my normal pc it works great but it makes trouble on the notebook.

05-20-2005, 07:36 AM
I am trying to boot Knoppix on my notebook but after first screen and three commandlines, there is either a black screen and nothing moves or the notebook restarts.

Here's a similar post: http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=84164#84164

- Robert

05-20-2005, 10:55 AM
but now I've tried it as you've said in the poste with the command:

knoppix acpi=off pnpbios=off -b noapic noagp noapm nodma nomce nofirewire nopcmcia noscsi noswap nousb nosmp noaudio nodhcp vga=normal 1
now came the same 3 command lines and now the notebook shows this:

Uncompressing Linux...

incomplete distance tree

-- System halted

the Notebook also shows this if I add mem=256M

now if i try this:

knoppix acpi=off vga=normal 1

the notebook shows nearly the same:

Uncompressing Linux...

invalid compressed format (err=2)

-- System halted

05-20-2005, 03:05 PM
Uncompressing Linux...

invalid compressed format (err=2)

-- System halted
It's possible that the CD-ROM in your notebook is more sensitive than your desktop CD-ROM to subtle imperfections in the CD. So, the next thing to try would be to check the CD

boot: knoppix testcd

- Robert