View Full Version : Kmix configuration file

05-22-2005, 08:58 PM
Hello all!

I have small problem with kmix.

Whenever I log in with knoppix a constant loud whistle sound can be heard.
This sound comes from the line-in where Kmix has it in full volume and noton mute.

Is there a way to configure Kmix to mute line in whenever I log in?

If I find the Kmix confguration file maybe I could set a value manually. Do you know where it is.

P.S:Save knoppix configuration does not help.

05-24-2005, 09:59 AM
you don't need to edit anything: in the control center of KDE you just have to save the actual values and set to load the values at restart, I solved this way.
I hope this can help you.

Ps: I have Knoppix installed on the HD, if you use it live, you may have to save the configuration files too!