05-28-2005, 04:57 PM
That speaks for itself. I have an ATI Radeon 7000 video card. I tried dozens of times to boot from the CD with "knoppix screen=1280x1024 depth=24" command and only TWICE, have I managed to get into the 1280x1024 screen resolution! Else, it boots into 1024x768 only. That is very frustrating.
I tried Ubuntu which uses X.org and it has correctly set my screen resolution to 1280x1024 every time. In short, XFree sucks and sucks big time. Why does Sir Knopper decide to keep this piece of shit and not switch to X.org? "Debian compatibility" is an excuse. Anyway, what can I do if something can be done to manage to get Knoppix booting into the 1280x1024 screen resolution every time? All Knoppix versions are affected, including 3.8.2.

05-29-2005, 12:20 PM

My personal favorite "boot:" prompt line, is:
boot: knoppix screen=1024x768 vrefresh=60

replace the screen resolution and vertical refresh rate of what your video card and monitor can handle. I've never used the "depth=" option, but, my guess is, that the screen reolsution and refresh rates go hand-in-hand, imho.

You may also try search within knoppix.net with your issue... This topic has been here before, maybe not your exact resolution, but, the commands are used the same...

Doing a search knoppix.net with a text of "screen resolution" came up with 1,205 threads, yours being at the top of the list, so, thats just 1,204 "other" topics...

Here (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/search.php?mode=results) are the search results, and a few of the topics,

Here (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18987&highlight=screen+resolution) is a good choice, it also includes another thread that covered the same issue...

Here (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18512&highlight=screen+resolution) is another...

If the above two threads dont get you going, then hit up the "search results" that I included in the the first "link", if nothing helps, then try your own search, check the Wiki, and check back here, possibly someone else has more options.

Hope this helps,
Ms. Cuddles

05-29-2005, 04:55 PM
Thank you for the information.

When I managed to get into the 1280x1024 resolution, I accessed Screen Resize & Rotate and for refresh rate I saw 76 Hz. That was the only value present in the combo box. Is that the vertical refresh rate? It does not say anything about this. If so, I should set vrefresh=76 I presume. Is that correct?

05-29-2005, 05:19 PM
if it doesnt say what the refresh rate is for, it probably is for vertical - the whole plan is, that something on the monitor has to sync as the "guns" pass through the screen. Most monitors go for the vertical refresh, whether they say so or not... i.e. 1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz, 800 x 600 @ 55 Hz, etc... Monitors manuals will always sell on what resolutions they can do, and at what refresh rate, not to mention dot pitch size, and monitors "visible" size - you can have a monitor that is 27", but only have a "visible" size of 24".

Check your monitor manual - most are going to "auto-sync" - they didnt do that way back - I always set my vrefresh to 60, and the "auto-sync" on my ViewSonic will always alter it to what it likes, sometimes you just have to give it a "starting point" to work with.

Try the vrefresh=60 -=- and see if it, not only works, but that it changes to what it wants, and can use, on its own.

Ms. Cuddles