View Full Version : Need a little help

06-01-2005, 09:33 PM
Ok so I want to start using linux.I decided I wanted to use knoppix to start off with.I am having a little trouble getting it to work.I downloaded the iso file named
KNOPPIX_V3.8.2-2005-05-05-EN.It says its a winrar file,I leave it compressed.I am using nero version 6.I dont have a dvd burner so I am trying to use Cd-r.My problom is when I go to make a bootable data disk it says A:Unknown size.So I tryed record now.I made a data disk with nothing but KNOPPIX_V3.8.2-2005-05-05-EN on it.It put it in and restarted.Nothing, it says boot from disk after post and then just starts windows like normal.My sytem specs are:

DFI lanparty NF3 250GB
AMD64 3400+
1024GB Corsair XMS
Evaga 6800GT AGP

Could this be the problom???Whats going on here.I REALLY want to use linux and I just cant do it so I am going out of my mind.Please help me.Thanks....

Harry Kuhman
06-01-2005, 09:43 PM
It says its a winrar file,....
No it doesn't. Turn that damn windows option to hide the extensions for known files types off, it never should be on. (It's under my computer -> view -> filder options _>view on my system, might be hidden elsewhere on other windows systems. You'll learn it's an ISO file, not a rar file. Basing your belief of file type on icons is likely to get you into big trouble on a Windows system (hint: I can make an exe file have any icon I want, do you want to tryst tings just becayse they have safe lloking icons???)

Damn, I was goingh to post more, but just noticed what a lame and useless subject line you used. You're on your own.

06-01-2005, 09:57 PM
What do you mean Im on my own?Cmon please help me out. :(

06-01-2005, 10:10 PM
Start here: http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/ read carefually and you will find everything...

06-01-2005, 10:32 PM
What do you mean Im on my own?Cmon please help me out. :(
Search the forums Search (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/search.php) | Profile | Private Messages | Log out (username) | Forum FAQ
Search for winrar. You will find that many other people have experienced the same problems & they have already been asked & answered.

06-01-2005, 11:01 PM
Ok I did a little searching and I came to this http://www.rocketfodder.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/MySite/Burning_Linux_Live_CD's_With_Nero_page1.htm.Hopefu lly it works and I get linux.Thanks guy for making me do it myslef.

Harry Kuhman
06-02-2005, 12:19 AM
What do you mean Im on my own?Cmon please help me out. :(
I'm glad ypu did some searching and found (or think you found) your answers. But what I mean is that you were likely able to find these answers because you found posts with meaningful subject lines. When a subject has a lame subject line that gives others who search through the subjects later for the same answers no clue as to what the post is asking, they either waste a lot of people's time or just get completely skipped over. It rather defeats the purpose of archiving them in the forum at all. I've said already (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16574) that I will not be helping when the posts have lame subject lines like yours did or the recent Need Help ASAP!!! or total newb needs help. This last one, by the way, I know exactly what the user's problem is, I must have posted about it about 50 times, but I will not help someone who's subject lines are so selfish that he demands help for himself but at the same time conceals the topic from others who are willing to do the work to search the forums for the information they need.

I would not have even responded to you at all, but I skipped past the subject, saw your problem and started writing. I only noticed the subject when I went back to grab another quote from your original text. At that point I decided to stop writing, but posted what I had already written.

06-02-2005, 12:40 AM
I undterstand.I got it working though.I dont really like linux as much as I thought I would.I will pass the cd on to peple who dont have a OS.Ill keep that subject line im mind in the future.Thanks guys for your help.