View Full Version : Who debianized OpenOffice.org2 and how?

06-02-2005, 08:11 PM
Hello out there,

My only question is, who made the Debian-archive for OOo.2? I can't find binary packages and the source-code for OOo.2 on the Knoppix server. All i can find is that the package is a "small and dirty hack".

06-02-2005, 10:03 PM
This release of Knoppix, just like past releases, includes a non-debian package of OpenOffice.org. Knoppix 3.8x included OO.o 1.1.4 for German & English. According to /var/lib/dpkg/status:

Package: openoffice-de-en
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: unknown
Installed-Size: 299508
Maintainer: Klaus Knopper <knoppix@knopper.net>
Architecture: i386
Version: 2:2.0-1
Replaces: openoffice-de-en
Description: The OpenOffice suite, see http://www.openoffice.org/
This release uses a quick&dirty hack to support english
as well as german layout and templates in KNOPPIX. I would prefer if they used the Debian standard OO.o 1.1.x packages as oppposed to the still beta OO.o-2.