View Full Version : Something about the fourm...

06-03-2005, 12:00 AM

What the heck does "Sticky" mean in the fourm. Sorry for the dumb question. :roll:


Harry Kuhman
06-03-2005, 12:27 AM

What the heck does "Sticky" mean in the fourm. Sorry for the dumb question. :roll:


Sticky posts are posts that stay at the top of the forum, they don't move down to higher numbered pages as more posts are added. Generally they are limited to posts of key information that should be of inyterest to the greatest number of people.

Stickies were used well while the wiki was down and being updated. But if there is information that someone thinks needs to be in a sticky it would be far better to write a wiki article in the documention section of this website than to put it in a sticky. Too many stickies become unorganized and hard to deal with.

I think it's unfortunate that anyone can set a post to "stickiy". Sometime people set posts that clearly should not be sticky as sticky, which strikes me as rather self important. Generally moderators just reset the post back to normal without comment when this happens, although if the action continues the poster is likely to get a private message about it. On some occasions a moderator will make a regular post sticky when the posted information is particularly informative and likely to have importance over an extended time. If too many (whatever that means) sticky posts start to accumulate, a moderator is likely to remove the sticky flag from some of them. This is certainly one reason why most sticky posts would be better serverd as wiki articles.