View Full Version : Web Server Problems

06-06-2005, 04:07 AM
Ran into a little problem. Im running a MUD (Text base game) and I have made a script to generate a html file of the players that are online. Now.. my mud is located at:


And the html file is saved within the /html file in the /mud folder. But.. I want it to save to the /var/www/ folder. I made my script originally save it there, but it wont allow me to. When I start my game, it wont allow players to log in because the console is frozen from it not allowing the file to be saved. Is there anyway I could open the /var/www/ file to be writen to by other things? Or any other way to get the file to save to it?

Thanks in advance,
- Wiccaan


Wow.. so yea Im stupid.. simply solved. Edited my script to save it in the /var/www/ root again. Then just simply su root and ran the game as root instead of regular knoppix. Works perfectly. Thanks anyway guys :D