View Full Version : Q: k3b CD Burning & Long Filenames?

06-07-2005, 06:57 PM
i am so happy to have found Knoppix and that it works for my
my RAID HD failed and refuses to recognize in windows (even on new OS install)
so Knoppix to the rescue.. almost

all the data i want to save is on those RAID drives and knoppix sees it
AND i can burn CD's
BUT it truncates the file names. :(
all the settings i have tried so far dont give a different result.

what is the sollution to keeping my long file names intact when burning to DVD-r with k3b

thank you

06-09-2005, 05:57 AM
--I use a script for burning DVDs; don't forget to chmod +x it, and change where it does the "cd" to the directory you want to backup:

BEGIN bkpcdtemp2DVD+RW

# Backup a directory to dvd+rw
# Enclose description in quotes


#source /usr/local/bin/cdrecord-wrapper.sh

cd /mnt/cdtemp2
# For stuff that's more than 4G
# Copy thisexec
cp -v $0 .


# 123456789012

# -P = publisher id

# -p = preparer id (both 128 chars)

echo '.'
echo "*** Backup $PWD $dirstobkp"
/bin/echo -e $disklabel '\n\r' $descrip1 '\n\r' $descrip2
echo '.'
/bin/echo -e ' *** Estimated size: \n \r' ` mkisofs -udf -print-size -quiet .`
echo ' *** PK if OK: '

# We need to use -udf with files/systems that are >2GB...
# If only doing FAT32, not need -udf.
# -udf \
time growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/scd0 \
-T \
-r \
-J \
-joliet-long \
-V $disklabel \
-publisher $descrip1 \
-p $descrip2 \
-A $disklabel \

# -l \ # Allow full 31 character filenames.
# -T \ # Generate TRANS.TBL
# -r \ # Generate SUSP and RR records using the Rock
# \ # Ridge protocol to further describe the files on
# \ # the iso9660 filesystem.
# -J \ # Generate Joliet directory records in addition to
# \ # regular iso9660 file names.
# -V $disklabel \ # Volabel (12 chars?)
# -p "vmware linux bkp" \
# -A $disklabel \ # 128 chars
# http://www.mail-archive.com/dvdrtools-users@nongnu.org/msg00251.html

i am so happy to have found Knoppix and that it works for my
my RAID HD failed and refuses to recognize in windows (even on new OS install)
so Knoppix to the rescue.. almost

all the data i want to save is on those RAID drives and knoppix sees it
AND i can burn CD's
BUT it truncates the file names. :(
all the settings i have tried so far dont give a different result.

what is the sollution to keeping my long file names intact when burning to DVD-r with k3b

thank you

06-09-2005, 05:42 PM
no idea what your saying.

i don't even know how to use command like i just wanna burn a dvd with out messing up file names for mp3's

06-09-2005, 06:05 PM

--If you want to get the most power out of Linux, you are well advised to **learn how to use the command line.**

--I just gave you, for **free** no less, a solution that doesn't even need X running to burn a DVD with long filenames. If you posted a reply like that on another board (i.e. Debian - or MOST other support forums, for that matter) that historically is known for having MUCH less collective patience than this one, they would flame you mercilessly.

--Fortunately for you, I am genuinely trying to help - but you need to recognize.

--Here's a place to start, good luck with your burning.


no idea what your saying.

i don't even know how to use command like i just wanna burn a dvd with out messing up file names for mp3's

Harry Kuhman
06-09-2005, 06:09 PM
no idea what your saying.
Don't feel too bad, I have a few more posts than you and it was all geek to me too. I can't directly answer your question, but you might want to do a little searching and research on Romeo, Juliet and Rock-Ridge file systems.

06-09-2005, 10:08 PM
i found a solution i used LIN thing to network to a PC and am able to move my files back to where i know what i am doing with out name coruption

ya i recognize your help it's just way over my head. thanks for that thou

ya screw agro flamers they do more harm to themselfs (mentaly) than anything else.
becuse critisism is tragic.

i live by these values:

* we help each other naturally, because we enjoy doing so
* compassion is an effective way to get what you want
* there is enough, and we can all gain at once -- we can all win (PositiveSum??, WinWin??)
* everyone's needs are valid, and there is no 'deserve'
* things are always changing (dynamic thinking), and my efforts can make the difference between things getting better and things getting worse.
* violence is mostly habitual
* most learning happens informally and experientially
* you always have choice
* humans are part of, and in partnership with, the rest of the planet/universe
* what is good or right is not completely knowable, and is itself evolving
* Helping someone else, also helps me

06-12-2005, 01:59 AM
i live by these values:
Good for you.

06-12-2005, 12:52 PM
i live by these values:
Good for you.

Thank you.