View Full Version : Networking to a WIndows Workgroup?

06-07-2005, 07:12 PM
can i do this rather than backing up cds when doing a rescue with Knoppix?
becuse the when i burn discs it changes the file names. (unless you know how to make it not do that, i've tried a few settings with no sucess)

06-07-2005, 10:32 PM
can i do this rather than backing up cds when doing a rescue with Knoppix?
becuse the when i burn discs it changes the file names. (unless you know how to make it not do that, i've tried a few settings with no sucess)
I like to make a tgz (gzipped tar ball) to keep the exact file names, time & date of the files and all the attributes.
In your case a ZIP would work probably almost as well...
Cheers, Gilles

06-07-2005, 10:42 PM
thanks great idea. but that would still involve picking thru the 320 gigs i want to backup and compressing 4.7 gig files. witch i can do.

but i would still like to know how to network Knoppix to a windows workgroup


06-08-2005, 02:17 AM
thanks great idea. but that would still involve picking thru the 320 gigs i want to backup and compressing 4.7 gig files. witch i can do.
Well, you can still tgz every single file one by one to minimize the size, keep the filenames and attributes.

but i would still like to know how to network Knoppix to a windows workgroup. thanks
Well, you need to modify the smb.conf file to work in share mode instead of user mode and assign a workgroup name, enter the network wins server name, and define your server name, ... You can lookup the man pages, find some sample configuration files from the web, or do it yourself using webmin. If I would have to do it, I will just install and run the webmin service http://www.webmin.com/ , which is a local web server written in perl providing a web interface to your system configuration. Then use firefox or konqueror ( ) to change your samba config file until it works, and then backup your smb.conf file for the next time you will have to do it again. Hope this help, Gilles

06-08-2005, 02:44 AM
ok im a totaly newbie to linux , but ill try ;)