View Full Version : how to install knoppix to cd to help rescure files

06-09-2005, 01:55 AM
After i d/l the file, what do i do with it? Just burn it to a CD? do i have to make the file any certain way like data, or something? Also is there a requirement for the speed of the burn? i was looking at another linux OS and it said that it had to be 4x or less. Does knoppix have any requirements like this? Also, as i saw some sites to d/l it, i saw many different files. Which ones do i need? and which ones are the ones that i need to burn?

Thanks in advance

Harry Kuhman
06-09-2005, 02:24 AM
i was looking at another linux OS and it said that it had to be 4x or less. Does knoppix have any requirements like this?
It's not a requirement of Knoppix, rather it's an issue of the quality of higher speed burns. So yes, Knoppx, and everything else has this requirement. There is a lot of error correction in a CD (over 12% of the data is used for error correction, you can squeeze 800 megs of data onto a 700 meg CD if you are willing to do without it), but even that error correction data doesn't always help when a CD is burnt at high speed. And even if it does it might slow you down considerably and require lots of rereading when the CD is burnt fast. I don't like it, I don't think that the way the equipmet should be, but it just a fact. See this thread http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17788 and this thread http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=78925#78925 for just a few of the many examples of discussion about this in this forum.

Also, as i saw some sites to d/l it, i saw many different files. Which ones do i need? and which ones are the ones that i need to burn?
Look at the to of this page. See the Documentation link? When you finish reading this, follow it. Read the Downloading FAQ. In short, if you insist on using a mirror instead of Bittorrent (which already tells us a lot) then you need the ISO and the MD5 file. DO NOT burn the ISO until you verify the quality of it with the MD5 file and a utility such as md5summer. You would be much better following the Get Knoppix link at the top of this page and using Bittorrent to download the needed files. Once you have the ISO you need to burn the ISO AS AN IMAGE. If you don't know what I mean by that, read the downloading FAQ and read through these forums until you do, otherwise you will just be making coasters or copies of the ISO that will not function. Oh, yea, one more thing - you likely want the English version of the ISO, it's the one with the name that ends in EN, not DE.

06-09-2005, 02:29 AM
ok thank you. I will d/l it from the bittorrent if it is easier. Makes it much easier for me. Thanks again

Harry Kuhman
06-09-2005, 02:46 AM
ok thank you. I will d/l it from the bittorrent if it is easier. Makes it much easier for me. Thanks again
BitTorrent tends to be faster. BitTorrent also has very reliable file checking built in, you don't really need to confirm the md5 checksum on a BitTorrent download (but you get that file and a few others thrown in anyway). If you pass the files along to anyone else be sure to give them everything including the md5 file. I think it's a configuration issue, but I've had a lot of corrupt downloads from mirrors before BitTorrent came out, looking at the files it seems a Linux new line to MS CR/LF translation is taking place. FTP should do this for a text file, but never for a binary file.

06-09-2005, 02:58 AM
of all the files, the only ones i have to worry about is the iso and MD5 files right?

Harry Kuhman
06-09-2005, 03:22 AM
Just download the one package from Bittorrent, you'll get 8 files. What you need is the ISO, pass all 8 along to anyone else who needs them.

06-10-2005, 03:27 PM
By the way, let's say that you've downloaded x.iso and x.iso.md5

Then at the command prompt type:

md5sum -c x.iso.md5

If the x.iso is valid according to x.iso.md5 then either you'll get nothing from md5sum or you'll get a message saying that everything is ok. Depends on the version, I guess.

Then you'll run the cdrecord command to burn the iso to a cdrom. Read the man pages on cdrecord since the way you run it varies greatly from distro to distro.