View Full Version : dpkg - warning: while removing ..........not empty so not...

06-10-2005, 08:52 AM
when i remove packages dpkg gives me this warning:

dpkg - warning: while removing ............not empty so not removed.

can i manualy remove this directorys ?

can i install xfce 4.2 from www.os-cillation.de???? is there a howto?


09-05-2005, 05:04 PM
I removed directorys after a similar warning and lost functionality of all my web software. I think sometimes it can't remove things because there are files in there that are needed for something else. Your other question Ihaven't a clue abou.Sorry

09-05-2005, 07:52 PM
Remove packages by apt-get --purge remove package_name. Those configuration files that are still existing have some of your own configurations and are so not removed. You can remove them manually.

Don't forget to install and run deborphan after removing packages. There's always left some librarys after removing that are left 'orphan' (no program needs them). You can remove also them. If you have many orphan files do like following:

deborphan packages
apt-get --purge remove `cat packages`
rm -f packages
