View Full Version : Looking to increase the size of the 'drive'...

06-10-2005, 09:10 AM
space that Knoppix has available from the Live CD.

Oh, and hi everyone :)

This may seem like an odd scenario, but I implore thee, hear me out! I Wanted to try out Linux (have for some time) so finally decided to get around to downloading the newest Mandriva LE2005 ISOs. I downloaded the images and successfully burned them to disc (or so I thought/think) and went to install. Alas I got an error message every time. I thought maybe it had something to do with Windows already being on the system (though everything told me that wasn't the case) and was jonesing to get rid of Windows, so I deleted the partition and tried again. Alas, no luck with the Mandriva. Convinced I had somehow gotten incomplete/corrupt files, I went over to my brother's and downloaded the Knoppix LiveCD ISO, and apon return to my place got everything booted up quickly and efficiently from the CD, no problems with anything (even have sound!) I want to re-download the Mandriva ISOs and attempt to burn them again, but while the first ISO is at about half way complete, I get an error saying
"Could not write file /ramdisk/home/knoppix/Desktop/Mandriva-Linux-2005-Limited-Edition-Download-CD1.i586.iso. Disk full."

Is there a way that I can increase the size of the ramdisk that Knoppix has available, so that I can download the ISOs and hopefully start chipping away at Linux? If this is easy and basic knowledge I do appologize. I am entirely new to Linux and have no Unix experience. I have a 120gig hardrive with no partitions currently on it (unless Knoppix writes some during it's initialization) so assigning a size large enough for the three ISOs is not a problem, I simply lack the basic knowhow :) Any help is much appreciated by this very greatful Lewbie (is that a word? could I have just coined a new nerddome phrase?! :shock: )

06-10-2005, 09:12 AM
Oh, and for the record, the hard-drive is a Western Digital. QTparted had no problem 'seeing' it and listing the (in this case, lack of) partitions.

06-10-2005, 12:38 PM
s there a way that I can increase the size of the ramdisk that Knoppix has available two words...


. also use a lighter desktop too... one like Icewm, or xfce... to access them use the bootcodes in the boot menu

knoppix desktop=icewm
knoppix desktop=xfce

also...remember to burn these types of disks at a very slow burning speed... REAL SLOWLY!!

06-11-2005, 06:44 AM
For now, I think I'm going to stick with the KDE desktop, as it is nice and fluffy and transitional :)

As for making a swap drive, I went to QTParted and attempted to make a linux swap drive, however on the attempt to mount I got an error regardless of if I tried 'swap', 'linux swap', 'lswap' and a whole host of other names for the filesystem type (using mount -t filetype soonsoforth). I did manage to make ext2/3 partitions and mount (and much to my suprise, unmount! yay!) them successfully, so I think I simply did not know what to call linux swap in the code. For future refrence (because all goggling on the topic says for me to type in 'swap') what would you call that filetype when attempting to mount?

Or, is the problem that I used QTParted (instead of the shell prompt) to make the partition? Or perhaps you're refering to something completely different and I am just a clueless Linux newb? :)

The files are downloading onto an ft3 partition I made that is plenty big enough to hold them all, so (knock on wood) should be running around mandriva and getting messy with commands in short order, thank you for the help!

06-11-2005, 07:47 PM
--Ummm... Dude, you're trying to save a 700MB ISO to a *ramdisk.*

--See this post to learn how to activate your spare-drive space: http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19521

--If the 120-gig is the only drive on your system, it's pretty easy; but if it's the "slave" drive, you'll have to use "/dev/hdbX" for the partitions. Use ' cfdisk /dev/hda ' (or hdb) to create partitions if necessary.

space that Knoppix has available from the Live CD.

Oh, and hi everyone :)

This may seem like an odd scenario, but I implore thee, hear me out! I Wanted to try out Linux (have for some time) so finally decided to get around to downloading the newest Mandriva LE2005 ISOs. I downloaded the images and successfully burned them to disc (or so I thought/think) and went to install. Alas I got an error message every time. I thought maybe it had something to do with Windows already being on the system (though everything told me that wasn't the case) and was jonesing to get rid of Windows, so I deleted the partition and tried again. Alas, no luck with the Mandriva. Convinced I had somehow gotten incomplete/corrupt files, I went over to my brother's and downloaded the Knoppix LiveCD ISO, and apon return to my place got everything booted up quickly and efficiently from the CD, no problems with anything (even have sound!) I want to re-download the Mandriva ISOs and attempt to burn them again, but while the first ISO is at about half way complete, I get an error saying
"Could not write file /ramdisk/home/knoppix/Desktop/Mandriva-Linux-2005-Limited-Edition-Download-CD1.i586.iso. Disk full."

Is there a way that I can increase the size of the ramdisk that Knoppix has available, so that I can download the ISOs and hopefully start chipping away at Linux? If this is easy and basic knowledge I do appologize. I am entirely new to Linux and have no Unix experience. I have a 120gig hardrive with no partitions currently on it (unless Knoppix writes some during it's initialization) so assigning a size large enough for the three ISOs is not a problem, I simply lack the basic knowhow :) Any help is much appreciated by this very greatful Lewbie (is that a word? could I have just coined a new nerddome phrase?! :shock: )