View Full Version : Saving Configuration Settings to a CD

06-10-2005, 05:37 PM
Now that I've learned how to save my configurations to a floppy disc (see previous postings), I have another problem. I have another, newer computer that doesn't have a floppy drive. I'll have to burn the configuration files to a CD or DVD and then be able to read them back. How can I do this?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions :!:

Harry Kuhman
06-10-2005, 05:59 PM
....newer computer that doesn't have a floppy drive. I'll have to burn the configuration files to a CD or DVD....
You likely don't. At a minimum it would require 2 CD/DVD drives, since one will be containing the Knoppix CD at the point the configuration files are needed. And you would have to reburn a disc whenever you changed the configuration (hope you use CR/RW). Far better would be to use a small inexpensive USB flash drive. Or, if you have an old IDE drive lying around (or want to buy a small cheap drive), add it to the computer as a second drive and put a FAT partition on it.

06-10-2005, 06:27 PM

Thanks for your comments. In fact, I do have two drives. One is a CD/DVD-RW and the other is a CD-ROM drive (I hope I've used the correct terminology here.) Anyway, I can read a CD from both drives and burn to one.

Nevertheless, I'll look into the USB flash drive. :!:

06-12-2005, 02:45 PM
I save my configuration settings to my hard driver, hda2. It only involves a couple of files and it's very convenient. When I reboot I type:

knoppix myconfig=scan

When I want to preserve those settings to a cdrom I use k3b to do the job .

06-12-2005, 04:35 PM
At Harry's suggestion I got a USB flash drive. Then I had problems getting KNOPPIX LINUX to recognize it and save my configurtion files to it. After much trial and error, I found a solution that works for me. First, I boot up using the KNOPPIX cheatcode:

knoppix usb2

Upon loading, Linux recognizes the flash drive and will store my configuration on it. On all subsequent boots, I use the cheatcode:

knoppix usb2 config=scan

This causes Linux to recognize the flash drive and use the configuration file stored on it.

I appreciate the suggestions you've all made. Thanks :!: :!: :!: