View Full Version : Unable to run knoppix-installer on Virtual PC

06-13-2005, 12:27 AM
I'm trying to install knoppix on a virtual PC running ontop of Windows XP SP2. The virtual pc has the following config:

RAM : 128MB
HD : 20 GB.

When I run knoppix-installer as root, nothing happens and I have to control-C to return to the prompt. (In windows, CPU usage shoots to 100%).

Does anyone have experience installing Knoppix in virtual PC. I'd really love to be able to use linux even when I'm forced to use a Windows Laptop (without removing windows of course....after all it's not my laptop)

06-13-2005, 02:27 AM
This is not an official point of view but just my opinion.

A car is not designed for a good night of sleep. You can sleep in a car but unless you are dead tired, it is something that probably should not be done. Knoppix is not designed to be installed to the hard drive. It is designed to be a bootable CD. Sure it CAN be installed to the HD but it unless you are very experienced, it is something that should not be done. Or in other words, a hammer is a good hammer but make a poor knife.

If you want a boot from CD drive then use a Debian based live CD like Knoppix. If you want to install Knoppix to the HD (which is really Debian) then skip Knoppix & install Debian. If you want a pre-configured user-oriented desktop PC (not server) Debian based distro use Ubuntu (GNOME desktop) or Kubuntu (KDE desktop). If you want a real noob friendly desktop Debian based distro & are willing to pay a small yearly price for support & software updates use Linspire.

That said, I have no experience with MS VPC & I figure other helpful people don't have much experience with it too.

06-13-2005, 09:42 PM
I have a similar problem. it want to use Microsoft Vitual PC to run (from bootable disc) knoppix 3.9 whilst still having access to my windows enviroment. it will load, but when it comes to my network connection, it will sit there trying to get an IP address. but my network wont allow multiple IP address from the same network plug. i have tried disallowing the Vitual PC from accessing my network card, but knoppix keeps finding it and trying to get an IP address. I have tried unplugging the network connection, and disabling it, but it still finds it.
Is it possible to skip the network connection part of the the knoppix load? or does anyone know a way of making Vitual PC from properly blocking the network connection. (I realise the Microsoft Windows is not something really to be talked about on here).
Also, is their a way installing MSN messenger on to a machine running knoppix from disk. because thats really the only reason i want dual action for knoppix and windows.

any help would be greatly appreciated, i'm new to Linux systems, and to bootable cd's for that matter

06-13-2005, 09:51 PM
At the knoppix boot screen type the following:
knoppix nodhcp

This will tell knoppix not to attempt to get an IP address.