View Full Version : Rebuild kernel from livecd?

06-13-2005, 12:43 PM
Is it possible to rebuild the kernel from source while running a livecd, insert the new kernel in a copy of the iso and burn a new cd -- without doing a hard disk install?

If so, I'd be very grateful if someone could point me at a howto.

Thanks for any help

06-15-2005, 10:16 AM
Apologies for bumping but I need help!

1. I've found the CustomKernelHowTo in the wiki - however at the time of my posting that was not there, or at least I couldn't find it. While it explains in detail how to place a new kernel in the iso and build a new livecd - fine - but it says almost nothing about he actual process of recompiling the kernel from source on Knoppix.

Is the process for Debian using kpkg etc supposed to work "as is" while running a Knoppix live cd? I can't even add the user knoppix to the group src.

Again, are you supposed to do this on a hard disk install only?

2. I've also found

http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=21477#21477which might help answer my first question.
Can this be used with a livecd or perhaps pivot-install? What changes would be required to the procedure?

Note I don't want to install the new kernel to hd necessarily - I want to put it inside the iso and burn a new livecd.

3. Is it altogether better to install Debian and recompile my kernels on that? I must say a pivot-install looks easier considering I have to keep Windows on my pc.

06-18-2005, 01:57 PM
Forget it. I've installed Debian and will do my compiling on that.

06-27-2005, 08:37 PM
I have the same problem. I have Knoppix 3.8.1 and have done remastering with it. I could even update everything 'apt-get dist-upgrade'.

But is it possible to use 2.6.12 kernel with CKO patch http://kem.p.lodz.pl/~peter/cko/?
