View Full Version : Yet Another Script for Customising and Remastering

06-13-2005, 09:36 PM
Hallo, all!
Let me to present my script (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=105686&package_id=130302&release_id=327962).
It can be used in any linux with cloop utilites which support -b option.
Script uses files with lists of packages for install and remove and simply packages as deb rpm or tar.gz files.

06-14-2005, 09:49 PM
Thanks for the great efforts. I will try it.

It can be used in any linux with cloop utilites which support -b option.

Can I use it to remaster distros other than knoppix such as SUSE and Fedora?

Script uses files with lists of packages for install and remove and simply packages as deb rpm or tar.gz files.

Can you elaborate please, it seems very interesting.

06-15-2005, 06:20 AM
It can be used in any linux with cloop utilites which support -b option.

Can I use it to remaster distros other than knoppix such as SUSE and Fedora?

No. It is only can run in other distros for remaster Knoppix
It binded with debian package management utilites

Can you elaborate please, it seems very interesting.

Script unpacks cd image of Knoppix, makes changes by chrooted calls utilites from this unpacked distro
and then repacks it to new cd image. Initrd also. So you can change kernel.
Kernel and recompiled extra modules prepared in the same place.

Put new package files to subdirectory "debs".
If the package must be installed before other packages, rename file with prefix 00, 01 or 02.
Edit lists debs/*remove-*, here is package and file names for deleting.
Add if necessary lists of package names for install from internet. This lists locates in debs/0[012]apt-get-list.
Look "patches" dir. It contain patches and patching scripts wich applyes to root file system of remastering knoppix.
Initrd temporary unpacks to /initrd directory in new root file system before that patching.
You can remove files in directory "patches" to exclude patches.

Prepare source cd image
Run script livecd-make and answer questions.
Wait about some hours (on powerful machine).

06-15-2005, 04:18 PM
Thanks for reply. Do I have to run this package on the same distro I am usig. I mean can use it in Knoppix 3.8 to remaster Gamesknoppix for example? I will try it with gamesKnoppix. Where I can find nVidia and ATI driver packages for the kernel on that page?

06-15-2005, 05:17 PM
If this drivers was in mainstream linux kernel, they are in kernel-image package.
If you want to install this package, than also install all modules package and depended utilites
Edit file download-map
This file contain list of downloadable packages
And run download-debs

Each line of download-map consist of optional two digit prefix, file name and URL.
If URL is absent or file not exists on the server then name of package writes to corresponding apt-get-list
You can delete all lines wich contain words: mplayer, elphel, netcardconfig, tvizor, acpid, iputils, theora.
Other 20 lines reqired for the kernel from my page.
In patches directory required linuxrc-usb.patch (because usb core drivers compiled-in)
Optiopmnal patches floppycheck.setup and initrd.tar.bz2 is for work around hang computers without floppy,
they requires kernel with loadable floppy driver (from that page or other) .