View Full Version : custom cheadcodes

06-16-2005, 11:30 AM
i have to use 2 different cheatcdesto boot knoppix us it possible to boot both cheatcodes by creating 1 code that calls on the other 2?

06-16-2005, 03:18 PM
Can 1 called another? I don't know. See this forum post that describes the linuxrc file where some of the cheatcodes are used.

See also page 5 of this PDF of my remastering presentation to my local LUG.

06-17-2005, 12:26 AM
those were kind of general links and i still cant find where to put my own cheat codes at

06-17-2005, 12:28 AM
Write your own pieces of scripts & stick those pieces in the isolinux.cfg, linuxrc, knoppix-autoconfig.
See the linuxrc from knoppix 3.8. http://www.virtualacuity.com/james/knoppix-unionfs/linuxrc-3.8.html
It controls detections of usb/usb2, unionfs, firewire, dma which is all controlled by the boot time cheat codes.

If you don't want to follow my advice, then just say so but don't dismiss those links as general. They describe how knoppix works so if want to change how knoppix works using cheat codes, I doubt (short of Klaus Knopper himself giving a class) that you will find a better resource. As far as I can see there is no other way to add cheat codes.